What are the lyrics to World in Motion by New Order, what is John Barnes’ rap about and how was Keith Allen involved?
WORLD In Motion by New Order is a football song that is known by all England fans.
Sing along to this classic tune with the video AND the words…
What are New Order’s World in Motion lyrics?
Express yourself
Create the space
You know you can win
Don’t give up the chase
Beat the man
Take him on
You never give up
It’s one on one
Express yourself
It’s one on one
Express yourself
It’s one on one
Express yourself
You can’t be wrong
When something’s good
It’s never gone
Love’s got the world in motion
And I know what we can do
Love’s got the world in motion
And I can’t believe it’s true
Now is the time
Let everyone see
You never give up
That’s how it should be
Don’t get caught
Make your own play
Express yourself
Don’t give it away
Express yourself
It’s one on one
Express yourself
It’s one on one
Express yourself
You can’t be wrong
When something’s good
It’s never wrong
[Repeat chorus x2]
[John Barnes’ rap]
You’ve got to hold and give
But do it at the right time
You can be slow or fast
But you must get to the line
They’ll always hit you and hurt you
Defend and attack
There’s only one way to beat them
Get round the back
Catch me if you can
‘Cause I’m the England man
And what you’re looking at
Is the master plan
We ain’t no hooligans
This ain’t a football song
Three lions on my chest
I know we can’t go wrong
We’re playing for England (En-ger-land)
We’re playing the song
We’re singing for England (En-ger-land)
Arrivederci it’s one one one [Repeat: x 4]
When was New Order’s World in Motion released?
The song was released on May 21, 1990, to coincide with the World Cup Italia 90.
It was sung by New Order, but featured footballers John Barnes, Peter Beardsley, Paul Gascoigne, Chris Waddle, Steve McMahon and Des Walker.
They all provided vocals on the track, as well as featured in the video.
Comedian Keith Allen was one of the writers of the song – he famously wrote another footie anthem, Vindaloo.
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How did the John Barnes rap come about?
The John Barnes rap has become the most famous part of the song.
He improvised the rap on the spot along with Liverpool’s Craig Johnston, who was not involved in the England set-up in any way, penning the rap on a scrap of paper.
When the song was re-released in 2002, it was planned to have David Beckham record the rap, but the FA vetoed the idea