Britain has had enough of these childish eco-warriors who won’t deal with reality

The privileged protesters have failed to mention that the UK is already a world leader on climate change

BRITAIN has had enough of childish eco-warriors who’d rather indulge in flashy stunts than deal with reality.

Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing the planet — but the privileged anarchists holding London hostage are doing nothing to tackle it.

AFP or licensors
Extinction Rebellion climate change activists perform a mass ‘die in’ under the blue whale in the foyer of the Natural History Museum

While performing their latest stunt — lying underneath the Natural History Museum’s famed whale skeleton — they failed to mention that Britain is
already a world leader on climate change.

We go days at a time without using a single lump of coal, and our carbon emissions are back at Victorian levels.

It’s now developing countries — above all China — that drive global warming.

If we help other nations follow our lead, the problem could be brought under control. But the Extinction Rebellion rabble would rather spout the usual anti-capitalist drivel than engage with real-world solutions.

It’s no surprise to see their ringleaders unmasked as middle-class hippies. The likes of Hayley Pinto, an NHS doctor who has splashed £80,000 on electric cars, can afford their virtue-signalling — a criminal conviction will only be a badge of honour to them.

But in the real world, the games these fantasists are playing do nothing to stop climate change. Time to grow up.

PA:Press Association
The protesters filled up the entire foyer

Scrambled Brex

FINALLY MPs are getting back to work on Brexit.

It’s not a moment too soon after an inexcusable ten-day break. Let’s only hope the time off has given the political class time to reflect on just where its behaviour is leading us.

To the Remainers trying to sabotage Brexit altogether: the rebirth of Nigel Farage shows you can’t ignore 17.4million voters without provoking a response.

Getty Images - Getty
It’s time to see Theresa May walk from Downing Street

To the ERG hardliners: if you continue to block the only deal on offer, don’t be surprised to see the prize of Brexit slip from your hands.

To Theresa May: it’s time to name a date for your departure and use your final weeks in power to save your legacy. Looking at new ways to replace the Irish backstop is a good start.

One thing is now crystal clear: if the Tories don’t pull together and deliver Brexit, the country will never forgive them.

Saint ’n’ sinner

JEREMY Corbyn is often accused of hating this country.


Donald Trump’s war on International Criminal Court is a reckoning long overdue
Trump's stopping US spending on crazy foreign projects - why can't Britain?

Now his shambolic PR team have managed to get the date of our patron saint’s day wrong.

We’re happy to point out to Red Jezza that TODAY is St George’s Day.

We hope our readers make the most of it. Before the miserable Marxists get into Number Ten and — whatever their claims to the contrary — try to ban it.

Getty Images - Getty
Getting the date of St George’s Day wrong is another error made by the Labour leader
Extinction Rebellion – Eco-warriors take over Natural History Museum


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