What is the breech position, what happens when a baby is breech and when do doctors perform an emergency C-section?

All the info on a breech position and what the medical experts can do to ensure a safe birth

KNOWING your baby is in the breech position will be of understandable concern to all expectant mums due to the complications surrounding it - but there is no need to be alarmed.

Here's all the info you need and the measures taken by the experts to give birth safely.

A breech birth occurs when the baby hasn't moved around to come out head firstCredit: Getty - Contributor

What is a breech birth?

Most babies before they are born move into the delivery position a few weeks before it arrives, with the head moving closer to the birth canal.

Sometimes though this doesn't happen and the baby's bum or feet will be position to be delivered first - known as a breech birth.

A breech delivery occurs in around 1 in 25 full-term births.

There are three different types of breech births:


The woman is given a spinal or epidural anaesthetic, meaning that although the woman is conscious the lower part of the body is numb.


The operation takes around 40-50 minutes.

A cut between ten and 20 centimetres is made across your lower tummy.

