burns right

Cook yourself a treat for Burns Night 2020 with this delicious beetroot haggis recipe

CELEBRATE Burns Night tomorrow by making this haggis bon bon with ­ginger beer & beetroot.

Serves four as canapes or starter.

Celebrate Burns Night by making this haggis bon bon with ­ginger beer & beetroot


PREP TIME:  10 mins.


COOKING TIME:  15-20 mins


200g good quality haggis

50g plain flour

1 egg beaten

50g breadcrumbs

1 pack cooked beetroot

100ml Crabbie’s Original alcoholic ginger beer

2 tbsp apple sauce

SWNS:South West News Service
Robert Burns loved haggis so much he composed a poem to his favourite snack

METHOD: Set oven to 180C/gas mark 5. Chop up haggis and mash while raw, shaping into 12 bon bons.

Roll in flour then coat in beaten egg and roll in the breadcrumbs until coated.

Spray an oven tray lightly with oil and place the bon bons on.

Pop in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown.

Meanwhile, chop the beetroot and put in a blender.

Add the Crabbie’s until it becomes a soft purée.

Season with salt & pepper to taste.

When serving, add a teaspoon of apple sauce just to secure the bon bon on the plate and serve the beetroot purée at the side.

You can also serve with a side salad.

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