From John Travolta to Gwyneth Paltrow, these are the actors that absolutely nailed playing the opposite sex

COMEDY actors have been known to play the opposite gender in film from as early as Charlie Chaplin himself.

However, some have been more convincing than others in their quest to play the other sex.


Here, we look at the actors and actresses that we think deserve a special mention for the most believable performances.

The late actor played Nanny, Mrs Doubtfire, in this family classicCredit: Alamy

Robin Williams, Mrs Doubtfire

Renowned as one of the greatest comedy actors of all time, Robin Williams's role as Mrs Doubtfire had audiences in awe.

In the film, he plays a devoted dad that takes on the guise of Mrs Doubtfire, a fictional nanny hired by his wife to look after the children.


Williams portrays the Nanny with perfect comic timing (as he always did) and the perfect hint of heart-warming fatherly love.

There is no doubt that Robin Williams deserves to sit at the top of this list.

Cate Blanchett was nominated for an Academy Award following her role in Bob Dylan based film, I'm Not ThereCredit: Alamy

Cate Blanchett, I'm Not There


More recently known for her leading role in Carol, with 7 Academy Award nominations under her belt, it's of no surprise that Cate Blanchett is capable of such an inspiring performance.

One of her seven Oscar nominations was for Best Supporting Actress in the film I'm Not There which involved her portraying just one facet of musician Bob Dylan's public personas.

Jude Quinn, the male role that Blanchett took on, is an ex-folk singer that is accused of selling-out, much like Dylan was in the 1960s.

Despite starring alongside the likes of Heath Ledger, Christian Bale and Richard Gere in the film, Blanchett's performance is considered to be one of the best following the Oscar nomination and receiving of a Golden Globe for the role.

Angelina Jolie is in disguise as a male naval officer in SaltCredit: Columbia Pictures

Angelina Jolie, Salt

In the 2010 film, Salt, one of the world's most beautiful Hollywood actresses, Angelina Jolie, played a very convincing man.

The actress plays Evelyn Scott, a CIA agent that is accused of being a Russian spy.


Throughout the film she takes on a number of disguises but this is by far the most dramatic.

With the heavy use of prosthetics, we feel as though this one might be the most visually convincing of the bunch.

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Marty's daughter Marlene McFly is also played by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future IICredit: Universal Pictures

Michael J. Fox, Back to the Future II


In Back to the Future II, we see Marty with his future family.

The most disturbing yet entertaining part of this scenario is Michael J. Fox's role as both Marty (of course) and Marty's daughter, Marlene McFly.

Throughout the film, Fox played four different characters but this is the one that stands out the most amongst audiences.

If you're only just being made aware of this fact, it's totally ok - he's very convincing.

Tilda Swinton played Virginia Woolf's OrlandoCredit: Alamy

Tilda Swinton, Orlando

In 1993, Tilda Swinton played Orlando in the film adaptation of Virgina Woolf's novel, Orlando.

The plot involves a male Orlando one day waking up as a woman.


Although the role didn't see Swinton nominated for an Oscar, she was nominated for a European Film Award in the Best Actress category.

Despite going on to win an Oscar in 2007 for her role in Michael Clayton, we think the actress's performance in Orlando was first-class.

John Travolta starred in the film adaptation of musical, HairsprayCredit: Alamy

John Travolta, Hairspray
