Liam Gallagher reveals on life with four kids by four different women – and what they really think of uncle Noel

WHEN you are the wild man of British rock, with four kids by four different women, Father’s Day might prove a problem.
But from this picture, you can see Liam Gallagher and his children have got it all together.
It is an incredible feat considering the gobby former Oasis frontman only met his eldest daughter, Molly, 21, for the first time last year.
She is the daughter of musician Lisa Moorish, who Liam had an affair with after his wedding to actress Patsy Kensit, and had always been kept firmly at arm’s length.
Of their first meeting, Liam said: “Yeah, man, there were tears and all that.”
Speaking from his local boozer in North London, the 46-year-old continued: “Me and Molly met in a pub across the road. Then we came here, got really drunk and that was really good.”
Now she is a key part of the Gallagher gang, forging a close friendship with her two brothers — Lennon, 19, from Liam’s marriage to Patsy, and Gene, 17, from his second marriage, to All Saints singer Nicole Appleton.
Despite their 19 years apart, Molly claims she has always thought of Liam as her father.
She said: “It was always a known, spoken-about thing. It was just . . . when it feels right, it will happen.”
Liam, who wrote the song Now That I’ve Found You about her on his new album Why Me? Why Not, admits it is a “shame it didn’t happen earlier”.
: “You can’t live in the past, you just have to draw the line and get stuck in with some super love going forward.
“I hope she doesn’t get sick of me, you know what I mean?”
Incredibly, Molly seems to be at peace with her father’s failings. She said: “I don’t have any anger. I’m 21 now. I’m actually thankful for how I was brought up with my mum and how my life’s been. It’s all happened the way it was meant to happen. We just got on and I’m happy to have him now.”
Liam has just one child left to meet — Gemma, the six-year-old daughter of journalist Liza Ghorbani. The pair had an affair while he was married to Nicole.
But Liam insists she would be welcomed to the clan, “without a doubt”.
His three eldest also have a happy relationship with Liam’s partner Debbie Gwyther, a key member of the singer’s management team. Liam said: “The lads get on with her really well, and vice versa.
“And so they should, ’cos she’s good to them — everyone’s good to each other.”
Molly said: “I feel like Debbie’s a best friend and a big sister and a stepmum all in one.”
Asked what Debbie sees in her father, Molly joked: “She’s got really bad eyesight.”
Liam said of their relationship: “Me and Debs love each other. We have a good laugh and as much as she runs around after me, I run around after her. I don’t know, she sees something. I hope she sees the right things.”
Liam grew up with his father’s violence towards his mother, Peggy, and two older brothers Noel and Paul, though he claims to have escaped it. Liam said: “He was all right with me but I’ve seen him being violent with everyone else.” He said what upset him more was seeing his dad abuse his mum while at the same time being “half decent” towards him.
Liam also credits any goodness in him to his mum and her sisters and brothers, saying Peggy was “there with the cuddles, and also there with the whack”.
The singer added: “I’m generalising dads [because] dads give cuddles as well. But if I needed bringing down a peg or two, she could do that, as well as elevate me.”
He said the last time he saw his father was around the age of 17, yet he has never missed his absence.
Gene said: “She was a mother and a father figure. It sounds like most mums.” And Lennon, the more thoughtful of the brothers, added: “Mums don’t get enough credit.”
What was Liam like as a father? He joked: “I’ve been mega. I wouldn’t say I’m a normal dad, I am more of their mate.” Gene said: “I turned out pretty cool.” And Lennon added: “I’ve got a few problems but I’m pretty normal I guess.”
Liam, still in a vicious feud with his brother and ex-Oasis bandmate Noel, 52, admits that most of the bad-mouthing towards him comes from a place of pain and loss.
He said: “Even if I hate him, I miss him at the same time. I miss what we had.”
When questioned about Uncle Noel, Lennon asked: “Who’s that?” And Gene said: “He’s not an uncle.”
Molly has seen Noel since she was a child and and she attended his 50th birthday party in May 2017. At the time Lisa posted a picture of Noel and Molly, captioned. "Uncle Noel with my beautiful girl" and a hashtag ‘Family first’.
Now that Molly has been united with her father she appears to have ended her relationship with Noel.
Gene also ramped up the family feud, when in 2017 he told his cousin Anais on Twitter that she looks like "Noel in a wig".
The three siblings seem to have formed a very close bond in a short space of time.
Molly admitted: “We all know a lot of famous kids from our parents’ friends.
“But when I met Gene and Lennon, it’s different. They’re both so down to earth compared to a lot of people you meet in that scene.
“We’ve got a lot in common, even though we haven’t been around growing up. It was really natural and normal straight away.” While the children might be well-spoken thanks to their posh schools, the dynamic between them is pure anarchic Gallagher.
How does Liam feel about having such well-educated kids?
He said: “A lot of their friends go, ‘Oh, yeah, youse posh’.
“But they’re not posh, because they’re from working-class backgrounds. They live in nice houses, they went to nice schools, but the money was from working-class people who grafted and got lucky.”
They rib each other and crack jokes at any opportunity.
Asked if they talk about their feelings as a family, Gene said: “No, we just get p***ed.” But Liam added: “No, that’s not true. If something needs to be said then it gets said, but it’s normally in a pub or when we’re on holiday. Touch wood, nobody’s had any problems.”
Molly joked: “We were meant to go on Jeremy Kyle, but it got cancelled.
As expected from a man who has joked about taking cocaine before going on stage, Liam has strong opinions on the subject.
With a deadpan expression he said: “I’m their drug dealer.”
Then, correcting himself, he said: “No, they don’t do it near me. But you’d be a fool to sit there and go, ‘They don’t do it.’
“We definitely have a drink and a cig and that.”
But he makes it clear that if his children ever got into the “s**tty stuff” he would be dead against it: “Because as much as you haven’t got a leg to stand on, you still find a toe.
“You can definitely rein them in, whether you’ve done it all before or not. That’s the way I see it.”
Gene was recently kicked out of his school.
When asked what prompted it, the youngster said: “Nothing to be proud of.” Liam admitted Gene “was just not interested” in his studies.
He added: “I was a bit gutted, but then he wanted out. So it was best for everyone.
“But you can’t sit at home now for ever, you’ve got to go and do something, whether that’s out labouring or being in a band or modelling or whatever.”
Gene has done a couple of days’ work on a building site, while Molly is studying for a politics degree and wants to “work with homeless people” when she graduates. Lennon is making a name for himself in modelling, walking the catwalk for Hermes and Topshop.
Liam said: “They’re raising themselves. Everyone’s got their heads screwed on. They’re not snide. These are just good kids.”
But he is keen not to pile pressure on the youngsters, and said: “It must be pressure having a famous parent, whether it’s me or their mams — they’ve got famous mums as well — but you’ve just got to go with it.”
Gene said: “Everyone casts their own shadow.
“You’ve just got to find out which way to face the sun.”
To which the rabble of Gallaghers collapse into whoops and applause.
Above the din, Liam shouted: “Stoner! You’ve been practising that one, mate.”