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DESPERATE Game Of Thrones fans stayed up until 2am for yesterday’s finale of the cult fantasy series.

After eight seasons, 73 episodes and 200,000 slayings, the war for the Iron Throne came to an end on Sky Atlantic.

 After eight seasons Game of Thrones has come to an end
After eight seasons Game of Thrones has come to an endCredit: HBO

But there was a mixed reaction from viewers here and in the US.

Two Sun writers give their verdict on the death throes of Game Of Thrones.

' The final touchdown was about as elegant as an overweight dragon landing on the crumbling remains of the Red Keep'

Nick Pritchard, Feature Writer

SO my watch has finally ended.

The writers had a task trickier than tackling a fire-breathing dragon — tying up all the loose ends in just 80 minutes.

 The show's writers had the tricky task of tying up all the loose ends in 80 minutes
The show's writers had the tricky task of tying up all the loose ends in 80 minutesCredit: HBO

Who would take the Iron Throne? Would Tyrion EVER ride a dragon?

Who was braiding Dany’s hair now that Missandei had got the chop?

In short, did the Game Of Thrones writers live up to fans’ expectations?

Sadly, the answer is no. The final touchdown was about as elegant as an overweight dragon landing on the crumbling remains of the Red Keep.

 Despite the hours of time invested in the series it felt rushed at the end
Despite the hours of time invested in the series it felt rushed at the endCredit: HBO

Winter had come to the South, but the streets of King’s Landing were caked in white ash rather than snow.

New ruler Dany addressed her troops, her rallying cries sounding more like the ravings of a dictator than a breaker of chains.

It was a tantalising glimpse of how effective she could have been as the series’ ultimate baddie if her descent into mania had been given time to develop.

Brandon Stark is elected the new King of Westeros in Game Of Thrones

I felt cheated

And could I really get excited about her confrontation with Westeros’ wettest hero Jon Snow?

In true Game Of Thrones style, the writers had some tricks up their sleeves and things did not play out as I expected.

However, I still felt cheated. I had sat through hours and hours of build-up, only for creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss to rush things at the very end.

Beloved characters were not given satisfying endings. Brienne of Tarth spent most of the episode moping over the death of Jaime Lannister.

 Daenerys’ met her end in the final episode, many found her villain turn unconvincing
Daenerys’ met her end in the final episode, many found her villain turn unconvincingCredit: HBO

Dany’s turn as a villain was unconvincing, and apart from Jon’s one shock moment where he killed the Mother of Dragons, he was useless.

I would rather they had taken longer and stuck to the languid pace which characterised the early series.

I wish they had given the storylines room to breathe.

We delved into the world of Westeros for eight years . . . I won’t be going back.

' They delivered a masterclass in how to tie up an intensely complicated series'

Andy Halls, TV Editor

AND just like that, another great TV series is put to rest.

I have no doubt that Game Of Thrones will be put alongside the likes of The Sopranos, The Wire and other age-defining shows in the future.

 Game Of Thrones will go down alongside the likes of The Sopranos and The Wire
Game Of Thrones will go down alongside the likes of The Sopranos and The WireCredit: HBO

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve not loved every minute of the final series, but TV scriptwriters can’t please everyone and, frankly, nor do they have to.

But with this finale they delivered a masterclass in how to tie up an intensely complicated series.

The best moments over the years haven’t been the big, drawn-out battle scenes, they’ve been the episodes with a flashpoint and quiet drama.

Ned Stark losing his head, the Red Wedding, Joffrey choking to death, Hodor holding the White Walkers back.

The way they came full circle was genius writing

They were all unforgettable episodes, without the need for an hour of non-stop sword fights or fire-breathing dragons.

And this is what the finale gave us.

Quick, shocking moments surrounded by genuinely emotional dialogue and twists, while allowing each character to end up in a place which felt true to the person they had become.

And the way things came full circle was just genius writing, clearly thought out from day one.

 The episode combined shocking moments surrounded by genuinely emotional dialogue and twists
The episode combined shocking moments surrounded by genuinely emotional dialogue and twistsCredit: HBO

Jon ending up back at the Night’s Watch with his Wildling pals, after killing Daenerys to stop her tearing the world apart.

Bran ending up as King of Westeros, and being dubbed Bran the Broken — a hark back to Bran the Builder, the first King in the North and founder of House Stark.

Then Sansa being crowned Queen of the North. And Tyrion as Hand of the King — just as we had seen all those years ago in series two.

Sure, we didn’t hear much from Brienne of Tarth. Or Arya, other than the fact she’s going on a medieval gap year.

But great TV shows are made to be debated, and this is up there with the very best. We should be thankful that we got eight seasons of joy.

 The finale saw Sansa being crowned Queen of the North
The finale saw Sansa being crowned Queen of the NorthCredit: HBO
Sansa Stark is crowned Queen in the North after she makes the North independent of the Seven Kingdoms in Game Of Thrones

Game of phones

THE Sun’s dedicated Game Of Thrones helpline was ringing off the hook yesterday as distraught fans turned to us for a shoulder to cry on following the end of the series.

John, of Aldershot, moaned: “I thought it was a big anticlimax, I don’t know what to do now. I’ve spent years watching it, I loved the Battle of the B**tards.

“Maybe I’ll read the books. I hope the author comes up with a better ending.”

Ben said: “I feel quite sad. I’ve watched from the beginning and now I don’t know what to do.”

When we told him he could satisfy those binge-watching cravings with another acclaimed drama, he added: “I think I’ll watch The Sopranos.”

Harold, of Skegness, wanted to talk through his favourite moments. He said: “I’ve just finished watching and I’m still shaking.

"I keep thinking back over the whole series. My favourite bit ever was when Arya killed Walder Frey.

"I was so surprised when she took off the mask and revealed it was her.”

Game of grows

DEMAND for monster TVs has soared thanks to a huge season of blockbuster telly.

Sales of 75in tellies — equivalent to the size of a 6ft 2in tall person — have trebled in just a year, according to electrical retailer AO.com.

It puts it down to Game Of Thrones and sport fans preparing for the Champions League Final between Liverpool and Tottenham and the Cricket World Cup.

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