Game Of Thrones season 8 first episode review: Heady mix of dark gags and breathtaking moments helps series opener live up to expectations
Fans will not be disappointed by the hotly anticipated opener to the eighth and last series - but just how the show's bosses will tie up the epic tale in just six episodes is baffling. WARNING: This article contains clips from the first episode of series 8
in Belfast
in Belfast
IT’S been two long years since the White Walkers broke down the wall, Jon Snow and Daenerys did the deed – despite being related– and Jaime abandoned his sister Cersei in King’s Landing.
This meant that episode one of series eight - the last in the franchise - was always going to have a feeling of a recap about it.
Jon Snow reunites with his brother Bran and sister Sansa as the Stark children give a frosty welcome to Daenerys Targaryen
It had some big questions to answer: would Jon discover he was actually sleeping with his aunt?
How close are the undead from wreaking havoc on Westeros?
And would a main character die in the first episode?
I won’t spoil which are answered, if any at all, but I left the screening largely satisfied that this last outing would live up to the weighty expectation upon it.
Jon Snow finally reunites with sister Arya Starks in the first episode of season eight
Trailers for the hotly anticipated final season, which this image is taken from, have kept fans on the edge of their seats
Tyrion Lannister will play a major role in the final series
Cersei Lannister looks on with a wry smile in the final series of Game Of Thrones
Daenerys Targaryen teaches Jon Snow how to ride dragon in the first episode of season eight of Game Of Thrones
The opener was surprisingly comedic – with deadpan gags littered throughout the episode.
But as with previous series, it’s the darkness not the light that will have even the most avid viewer on the edge of their seat.
The second half of the episode in particular had several hold your breath moments.
Sam Tarly reveals to Jon Snow his true identity as son of Rhaegar Targaryen and true heir to the iron throne on Game Of Thrones