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If it weren’t for Riz Ahmed and Billie Piper carrying the film, City of Tiny Lights would fail to get any notable recognition

While there isn't a lot notably wrong with this film, it just feels like a drawn out TV drama

RIZ AHMED was either fresh off the set of Rogue One with a few weeks to kill or else City Of Tiny Lights was shot before his price tag went nuts and his choices widened right out.

Because, while there’s not a ton wrong with this honest and rather endearing London whodunnit, without Ahmed and Billie Piper’s eminently watchable perfomances, this would be pretty far down the Netflix list.

Riz Ahmed and Billie Piper carry the City Of Tiny Lights
Riz Ahmed and Billie Piper carry the City Of Tiny Lights

Riz is Tommy, a louche private eye who’s taken on a missing person’s case, which takes in London at it’s worst via Islamic radicalisation, prostitutes, American spooks, drugs dealers - and that’s just in the first 10 minutes.

Alongside this increasingly complex and quite confusing mystery, are a series of flashbacks bringing to light a childhood tragedy, which obviously start intertwining with the matter at hand.

Whilst it has a canny way of portraying London in a way other recent attempts (100 streets springs to mind) fell short (a troubled, dangerous and depressed capital with real problems) but tends to feel like a very long TV drama with an occasionally iffy script (“That’s a lot of cheddar”).

Riz Ahmed plays a louche private eye who deals with a missing person case
Riz Ahmed plays a louche private eye who deals with a missing person caseCredit: Lionsgate
Billie Piper
While there isn't a lot wrong with this film it just feels like a overdrawn TV dramaCredit: City of Tiny Lights

Despite all this, I found myself watching and enjoying the whole lot.

Sadly a bit too much Vandross, not enough Luther.

City Of Tiny Lights (15) 110mins
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
