Molly-Mae insisted Tommy Fury ‘never looked at other girls’ saying ‘the key thing is our loyalty to each other’

MOLLY-MAE previously insisted that Tommy Fury ‘never looked at other girls’ before he was accused of cheating.
We previously revealed that the Love Island star kicked the pro boxer out of their £4million Cheshire mansion.
This was after she confronted him about his multiple alleged infidelities.
Friends close to Molly-Mae, 25, told The Sun she was expecting multiple women to come forward about his cheating during the five years they were together.
The new developments are worlds away from what the influencer wrote in her autobiography, 'Becoming Molly-Mae'.
In fact, the former ITV2 star previously admitted that ‘the key thing' in their relationship was their 'loyalty to each other’.
She wrote about once particular incident in her mind when a stunning blonde beauty walked in when they were on a spa getaway together.
The star explained that although she had great features, Tommy was simply not interested, as she said: "His eyes were just on me.
"Since he decided that I was the girl for him, he's never even flicked his eyes in another direction," she gushed.
Molly delved deeper into her bond with Tommy, also 25, as she revealed the basis of their relationship was their previously undivided devotion to each other.
"In our relationship, they key thing for us is our loyalty to each other: it's what we base everything on," she remarked.
"I think that's because of the way he's been raised. When you meet a woman, when you're a Traveller, that is your woman and you do not look in another direction.
"And it's just the most comforting feeling, being with the person you love and knowing they'll only ever have eyes for you, no matter what happens."
However, Tommy was known for his partying ways and was spotted a number of times on wild nights out.
He previously lived the high life in Dubai with Chris Brown, while Molly-Mae was left at home to look after their daughter.
They were also surrounded by a harem of other nightclub beauties.
Since he decided that I was the girl for him, he's never even flicked his eyes in another direction
Molly Mae in her autobiography
But Molly admitted that the attention he received never previously bothered her.
In her book, she admitted: "So it doesn't bother me that other girls fancy him.
"He doesn't realise how amazing he is. And he doesn't even think he's good looking."
She added: "One thing I don't worry about is other girls. I think how you feel about your boyfriend or your girlfriend getting a lot of attention from the opposite sex is all dependent on how they react to it.
"I know that he's just this normal boy who tells me that he only has eyes for me."
BY Ellie Henman, Bizarre Editor
GASPS of horror echoed around our desks as Molly Mae revealed she had split from Tommy.
The break up, after five years, was completely unexpected.
In recent months, the pair had faced rumours he had a roving eye after he was spotted partying with women - all while Molly-Mae was at home holding their baby.
Her statement smacks of something that has yet to come to light.
Although she’s written it with a clever PR eye watching over it, Molly’s devastation spills out in every word.
As I type, my WhatsApp groups are flashing up with texts about how this seemingly rock solid couple have crumbled into nothing.
Just three weeks ago, Molly posted a video of the moment Tommy proposed – after he pulled an elaborate stunt which ended up with him getting down on one knee.
The pair’s relationship, complete with Love Island fan-favourite Ellie Bellie and, later, the arrival of their daughter Bambi, appeared to outsiders to be picture perfect.
Molly has built her brand around her wholesome family life with Tommy.
Cosy photographs are carefully curated for her Instagram grid, with her 7.9million followers poring over her every word as they attempt to emulate her life.
In truth, Molly is one of the only Love Islanders I, along with a number of my friends, follow on social media for her girl next door vibe and stylish fashion picks.
Celebrity breakups are often ten a penny, but there is something shocking about the ending of what, on the surface, appeared to be such a happy relationship.
Earlier this year, at Soccer Aid, Tommy was cagey when asked about their upcoming wedding plans by one of my colleagues.
It wasn’t altogether too strange, as most blokes aren’t overly keen to chat about their missus when they're with their mates playing football.
But it was a definite gear change from the Tommy many of us have interviewed over the years, as he was always so gushing about his bride-to-be.
Thousands of Molly-Mae’s fans, and no doubt a number of Instagram and Tattle Life sleuths, will now be combing the internet and social media for clues.
And given the number of calls coming into our desk, I have no doubt that the real reason Molly-Mae ended things with Tommy will come to light in the next few hours.
As a genuine fan and follower, I really hope she is being supported by the people who love her most.
Break ups suck at the best of times. But when you’re in the public eye, and you choose to announce your split so suddenly – and clearly without mutual consent – they are a hell of a lot harder.