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Who is Lex Croucher? We look at the YouTube star behind tyrannosauruslexxx

LEX Croucher started vlogging in her bedroom for fun, and now she has appeared on Newsnight and travelled to Syria with Save The Children.

She has a burgeoning career thanks to her YouTube channel, but who is the girl behind tyrannosauruslexxx?

Lex vlogs about topics as diverse from makeup and politicsCredit: youtube

Who is Lex Croucher?

Lex is a 24-year-old vlogger from Kingston upon Thames, England.

She runs the tyrannosauruslexxx YouTube channel and along with friend and fellow vlogger Rosianna Halse Rojas, she founded VidCon’s Women on YouTube panel.

She also used to post to a beauty and fashion channel called GirlyAsHell.

It all started back in 2008Credit: Akira Suemori

Lex first joined YouTube in 2008 and used her vlog like a video diary.


In 2011, Lex won Google’s NextUp grant which allowed her to buy a proper camera, a better laptop and she was able to travel to VidCon (a convention for thousands of online video viewers, creators, and industry representatives) - she credits this with kickstarting her blogging career.

She isn't afraid to tackle heavy topicsCredit: youtube


What does Lex Croucher make videos about?

Her vlogs cover a wide range of topics, from hayfever to Ed Milliband. She also sings and has covered a number of songs on her channel, as well as a few original tracks.

Lex studied English at university so she often shares her favourite books on her channel too.


Her channel started out as a video diary, but while she still vlogs with the same deadpan humour as when she began she isn't afraid to tackle serious subjects.

She has made videos about travelling to Syria with Save The Children, campaigned against animal cruelty, raised awareness about sexual abuse and the meaning of consent.

She is very careful to keep her private life separate from her YouTube channel, unlike other YouTube stars like Zoella.

She has admitted she struggles with mental health and suffers from anxiety.
