Corrie tension as Jack P Shepherd refuses to meet new producer Kate Oates to discuss future plots
He says it's not his job to come up with his character's storylines
CORONATION Street actor Jack P. Shepherd has revealed that he bluntly refused to have a meeting with incoming producer Kate Oates.
She offered him the chance to chat about his character's future but he refused, claiming it's her job to come up with the storylines.
After leaving Emmerdale for Weatherfield, producer Kate has now been on Coronation Street for six weeks and is beginning to plan the soap's autumn storylines.
However, actor Jack - who plays David Platt - has admitted he refused to talk to her about potential plots.
Speaking at a Coronation Street press conference in Manchester, he told : “She tried but I never chat to any producer about what’s coming up because I don’t like to.
"When she came in, she said, ‘Let’s go have a chat and talk about storylines’ and I went, ‘No!’
He revealed: "We originally got told that the body wouldn't be discovered for five years, but there's more drama in having them find the corpse."
Explaining why the decision was made, he said: "The story had run its course with us looking shifty and nervous.
"We'd drawn it out for quite a few months, so why wait another four years? We might as well just discover the body."