Power Season 6 finale RECAP: Ghost’s killer is finally revealed
SO there we have it. Power has come to an end.
Fans have been left reeling after the leaked ending was true, and some still can't accept Ghost is dead.
In the opening of the finale, we see Tasha and her love interest Quinton (I forgot they were still a thing) in some steamy bedroom scenes.
We should have known Quinton was going to come in handy at some point during this episode.
After a night of passion, Tasha tries to discreetly sneak back into her room but stumbles across Tariq.
She reassures him Ghost has been taken care of as she's grassed him to the police over Terry Silver's murder, so they have nothing to worry about and can soon live happily ever after.
However, in true Power style nothing ever works out the way as planned, as we found out in 'Exactly How We Planned'.
The next morning they find Ghost is running for lieutenant governor and Tasha calls Saxe demanding answers.
It's back to episode eleven where Dre hands Tariq a gun in exchange for leading him to Ghost.
We can see where this is going...
Meanwhile, in one of many emotional scenes between Tasha and James this episode the pair are at Raina's graveside.
There was I thinking Ghost had forgotten about her, but he was just there to tell her about his new life!
For the first time in a while we see a vulnerable side to Tasha after Ghost brands her "the half smart chicken head who would still be in the hood if it weren't for me". Ouch.
Ghost is planning to take Tariq and Yaz off her because she's a drug dealer (ironic) so they four of them, including Ramona can start a new life together.
Tommy pays Tasha a visit to confront her over Lakeisha's murder and she pleads for her life. Was this scene not different to the one we saw in the Tommy episode? Which one was real?
After Tariq hands his father to Dre, he rushes to the school as Mr Radnor's drugs (the ones Tariq supplied) have been discovered. But not before hiding the gun first.
Meanwhile, Tasha storms over to Saxe's place where he's waiting for her with Tameka who is dressed like Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds.
At this point, Tasha needs dirt on Ghost fast, so has no huge motive to kill him...
But that's before Tate drops the bombshell that Ghost is about to turn in Tariq so he can start his political career a noble man.
We're back to the penthouse and Tasha is reminiscing on the good times and I can't believe this show is ending after six years.
But the happiness is short lived as Ghost arrives and she confronts him over planning to hand in Tariq over Ray Ray's murder - who knew this dirty cop from season 4 would still be so significant two seasons later?
We're almost halfway through the finale and it doesn't look like either Tasha or Tariq shot Ghost at this point and Tariq merely has the gun for protection.
But he soon realises his dad lied to him over taking the blame for Ray Ray's murder.
Ghost persuades his son to confess and promises he will cut him a deal once he has political power.
For the first time in a long time, I actually feel sorry for Tariq and he now has perfect motive.
Back at home, the two masterminds realise they can't work against James as Tasha will go down for LaKeisha's murder.
So there's only one other option. The only option in Power - kill.
Their plan seems pretty tight and Tariq sticks to it, until he finds out Dre is on a mission to kill his dad too in a meet up with Tommy.
And just like we all predicted, he did infact order the Vincent hit on Tommy.
Tasha sticks to her plan too, Quin is driving her to 'get her divorce papers signed' and climbs into the back of the car as planned and waits for Tariq's message.
But he has a change of heart. He sets out to do the job himself (after a few wise words from Uncle Kanan of course).
Was I the only one who thought he was back from the dead at this point? Now that would have been an epic ending.
In somewhat disappointing scenes, Tasha knows her son too well (he is a young Ghost after all) and runs to stop him killing his own father. But she's too late.
So there we have it - Tariq shot Ghost.
Even from beyond the grave Ghost is still controlling them.
He leaves Tasha with nothing in his will, and her mum with a year's rent in a petty move leaving everything to the children but only accessible once Tariq graduates.
He really does not want the street life for his son.
Everything seems to fall into place, they stick the blame on Dre and Tariq blackmails Saxe.
However, when Tasha finds out Dre is dead over martinis with Simon Stern she needs to think of someone new to blame fast.
This is where Quin comes in.
He is framed and arrested half naked as Tasha looks on in nothing but a duvet.
Tasha and Tariq might be smart but who would have thought Quin would be smarter.
He's spotted on cameras buying a Red Bull at a diner at the time Ghost was shot and before we know it Tasha is taking off her wig, false eyelashes and is in an orange boiler suit.
If only Tariq had just confessed like Ghost suggested...
Bring on Power Book II: Ghost!