Ed Sheeran is now a London landlord owning 27 properties worth £57million
ED Sheeran has gone on a £10million property shopping spree — and is now the landlord of enough London addresses to fill a Monopoly board.
The pop superstar has just snapped up five more to take the number he owns in the capital to 22.
Combined with his Suffolk estate, Ed now owns 27 flats, houses and mansions bought for a total £57million.
An insider said: “The amount of money he’s invested in property is staggering, but it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the £600million he earned from his Divide Tour. And it’s certainly a shrewd move to invest in property in the capital.”
Most of the homes were purchased through Maverick Properties, the company 28-year-old Ed set up in 2015 with manager Stuart Camp.
They have spent the past four years splashing Ed’s cash, usually snapping up homes in some of the most upmarket corners of the capital.
His latest additions are among his most expensive, with two properties at Covent Garden in central London and a pair of flats next to Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.
The Sun previously revealed how Ed splashed out £4million on new houses to stop his neighbours moaning about the noise.
He snapped up two houses next to his £19.8m London mansion to halt any complaints.
A source said at the time: “Ed’s had neighbours grumbling about noise before so when he got a chance to buy up the two houses next to his London home, he jumped at the chance.
“Ed has not only made a wise investment but is limiting the chance of people grumbling about loud music or parties.
“He also decided to buy the flat above his restaurant because that could have been a massive sticking point for the business going forward.”
Ed rents out a number of the properties in London, which includes posh houses and flats.
His decision to invest in this way has been widely praised.
A financial expert said of his business sense last year: “Ed’s been incredibly shrewd by ploughing his money into property.
“And by focusing on London, where the market is still growing, he can charge top whack to renters.
“There’s every chance tenants are unaware they are handing money over to a multi-millionaire singer.”
Ed’s sprawling estate in Suffolk is his main residence and over the past few years he’s gone all out to put his mark on it.
After buying the Grade II listed farmhouse seven years ago the multi-millionaire singer songwriter made so many changes locals have dubbed the mini-village Sheeranville.
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