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The Blues

Operation Varsity Blues documentary: What was the college admissions scandal?

Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal - Trailer for the Netflix documentary

THE college admissions scandal rocked the country back in 2019 when 57 people, including big names like Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman, were charged for bribing and photoshopping their children's way into elite colleges.

Following the memorable scandal, Netflix the documentary entitled: Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal.

Matthew Modine plays William "Rick" Singer in Operation Varsity Blues.
Matthew Modine plays William "Rick" Singer in Operation Varsity Blues.Credit: AP

Are Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman in the documentary?

Unfortunately, Loughlin and Huffman are not in the film.

In fact, the two hour film uses actors in a hybrid format mixing documentary and dramatic re-enactments that invokes the feeling of watching a Lifetime movie.

The film goes beyond the big names and focuses on how the scheme worked and it's organizer William "Rick" Singer, played by Matthew Modine.

The small cast of characters also includes Gordan Caplan, Donna Heinel, Stephen Semprevivo, an IRS agent, an athletic director and a photographer.

Many of the re-enacted conversations in the film are heard verbatim thanks to recordings that were gathered through wire-tapping during the investigation.

There are interviews with people involved in the case such as John Vandemoer, the former Stanford sailing coach and Akil Bello — a test prep expert.

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli were charged in the scandal.
Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli were charged in the scandal.Credit: AFP

Where can I watch the documentary?

Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal began streaming on Netflix Wednesday, March 17, 2021.

Felicity Huffman served 11 days of her 14-day sentence.
Felicity Huffman served 11 days of her 14-day sentence.Credit: AFP

What was Operation Varsity Blues?

Operation Varsity Blues was the code name for the investigation into the criminal conspiracy to influence college admissions into elite colleges.

Singer helped orchestrate fake athletic photos, cheating on standardized tests, and bribes to coaches and administrators.

Since the investigation was made public on March 12, 2019, 57 people have been charged, including high-profile parents, athletic directors, coaches and college entrance exam administrators.

Thirty-three parents have been accused of paying Singer more than $25 million between 2011 and 2018.

William "Rick" Singer pleaded guilty and has since been cooperating with the FBI.
William "Rick" Singer pleaded guilty and has since been cooperating with the FBI.Credit: AP:Associated Press

Singer claims to have guaranteed college admissions for more than 750 families.

He is currently out free while he helps the FBI but is facing up to 65 years in prison and a fine of upwards of $1.25 million.

This case is the largest of this sort that has ever been prosecuted by the US Justice Department.

