Watch the moment The Chase contestant gives ‘ridiculous’ answer to show question – would you have got it?

A CONTESTANT on The Chase has been slammed by fans over a 'ridiculous' answer to a show question.
Fans of the hit quiz series tuned in for a brand new episode as Bradley Walsh introduced another batch of hopefuls.
However, during the game one contestant raised eyebrows with viewers for their 'ridiculous' answer to a question.
She was asked: "The title characters of the animated movie Mummies are from what African country?"
Yvonne, from, Scunthorpe simply replied: "Africa."
Reacting to the scenes, one ITV viewer said: "From which African country Africa."
A second harshly blasted: "F***ing Africa. IT'S NOT A COUNTRY.
"SOUTH Africa is, yes, but not Africa. Thought a woman in her 70s would know that."
A third questioned: "Yvonne please, what is this obsession with Africa?"
The correct answer was in fact Egypt.
Meanwhile, it appears it's not just contestants of The Chase getting questions wrong as one chaser recently fumbled an 'easy' question.
Shaun Wallace left viewers convinced he got the question wrong 'on purpose' as they watched on in disbelief.
The multiple choice question, asked by host Bradley Walsh, was: "If a car is travelling at 60 miles per hour, what distance is covered in a minute?"
As the contestant talked about how easy the question was - Bradley laughed and said: "It's nuts, aint it."
She replied: "I'm alright at maths but I didn't think that was too bad."
Bradley laughed before revealing the correct answer was one mile and that she had got it right.
However, the pair were dumbfounded when Shaun got it wrong and selected two miles - the wrong answer of course.
The Chase has been entertaining ITV viewers for years, here are some of the show's most memorable moments...
Bradley Walsh can't stop laughing
The Double Trouble special
The contestants with famous names
The Beast's anger gets the best of him