Love Island’s Jess issues Ronnie an ultimatum in furious confrontation amid Harriett love triangle

RONNIE Vint has officially pushed his luck too far when it comes to Jess White and Harriett Blackmore – with him being issued an ultimatum tonight.
The semi-pro footballer has been seen getting himself tangled in a love triangle with Jess and Harriett over the last few days, with both girls making their feelings for him known.
After sharing a snog in the Hideaway with Harriett on Monday night’s show, before sharing a bed with Jess and kissing her, things have been getting more and more tense.
Refusing to choose between them, Ronnie even smirked on Tuesday night as he told the boys: “I don’t know how I’m gonna get away with this, but they’re just both so fit.”
Well, it seems like his time has officially run out, and Jess has become irritated with him refusing to make a choice.
Confronting him after a discussion with Harriett, Jess asks Ronnie: “Did you say to Harriett that last night in bed you were thinking of her all night?”
While he denies it, Jess tells him: “Well she’s just said to me that's what you said.”
“I said I look up and you’re opposite me,” he responds, prompting Jess to declare Harriett is lying to her.
Jess then gives an ultimatum to Ronnie as she makes it clear she needs to know where his heart lies.
“I want times and dates of when you’re going to make your decision…I need to know tomorrow,” she warns.
The next day, during a chat with Harriett, he’s told he needs to decide, prompting him to declare it “deadline day”.
However, he still can’t resist a flirt, asking Harriett, “Did you miss me last night sleeping?” before he heads to the Beach Hut to gather his thoughts.
Speaking to the camera, he admits his head is “scrambled eggs”, but with his choice weighing heavy on the two girls, who will he pick?
Jess's ultimatum comes after tensions rose between her and Harriett to the point of no return.
The pair clearly don't get on, with Harriett even bragging to Jess that Ronnie had been "eye-f***ing her all night" in a brutal chat where they both spoke about where they stood.
During the chat, the pair realised they were both being played by the smooth-talking islander.
Harriett also spoke to Patsy Field about her predicament, telling her: “He’s half coupled up with me, half coupled up with Jess. He’s taken me to the Hideaway…why has he done all of this stuff if he is not decided?
"You don’t say to someone you are thinking of them in bed all night. Why is he doing all of this?”
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The Islanders are all 'coupled up' in the villa.
The couples so far include: