Big Brother fans predict romance between Zak and Noky after spotting intimate moment

BIG Brother fans have predicted that a romance could be on the cards between Zak and Noky.
During tonight’s episode, viewers spotted her running her fingers through his hair – while they lay in bed as part of a challenge.
Taking to Twitter to discuss the potential, one person wrote: “noki and zak ??? you don’t offer head scritches to someone you don’t find attractive ma’am.”
A second said: “Oh Zak and Noky ???”
While a third added: “Now Noky and Zak would be so cute together... Anybody see the vision?”
However, their hopes could be dashed as he was overheard talking about his girlfriend during last night's live feed broadcast.
During tonight’s episode the housemates had to take part in a test of endurance.
They group were told: "This is Big Brother. Housemates, the key to living harmoniously in my house is to know each other inside out. And in today's case top and tail."
"Can all the housemates make themselves comfy in the big bed? The last housemate in bed will win a very special treat."
If a housemate gets out of the bed or falls asleep, they are disqualified.
However, immediately after the task begins, food writer Henry, 25, gets out of the bed and says: "Well, I'm not very comfortable so I'm going to get out."
He is soon followed by lawyer Jordan.
When make-up artist Farida says: "Jordan we love you," he replies: "Thanks. You're all good too but I don't want to be in a bed with you all."
Throughout the day, Big Brother will try to lure the housemates out of the bed with the temptation of treats including a cheeseboard, a coffee, a smoothie and some of the contents of Jenkin's exploded suitcase.