Only the brainiest Brits can get all these questions right from ITV’s gameshow The 1% Club – how many can you solve?
TV QUIZ The 1% Club is back and the riddles are as taxing as ever.
Lee Mack’s ITV show returns for a second series attempting to find our brightest brains.
It sees 100 contestants try for the £100,000 prize by correctly answering a question only one per cent of the country would get right.
Along the way are easier questions, starting with one that 90 per cent of those polled got right.
Here, show producers Magnum Media have created a special version for readers to sharpen your skills ahead of tonight’s 9.25pm show.
Don’t worry if you don’t get them all right – even Lee hasn’t managed that.
He said: “I’m not going to lie – I went through the whole first series without getting a 1%. The best I did was a 5% question.”
90% – BREAKFAST. It literally has the word FAST at the end of it.
80% – FRIDAY. It has no S or M in it.
70% – HARRY. If Harry’s wand is longer than Ron’s – yet Ron’s is longer than Hermione’s – then Harry’s has to be the longest.
60% – MINUTE. This is the minute as in “mi – newt” meaning small or tiny or little.
50% – TOM. If Bob is your uncle and Tom is Bob’s brother then Tom is your father.
45% – A. B has too many greens so cannot be real. C has Blues on both sides of individual cubes so also cannot be real.
40% – OUT. They all sound like letters other than out. Why is Y, Are is R, You is U, but Out is just Out.
35% – ZEBRA . The word is made up from the last and first letters of LAZE BRAVELY.
30% – A. If day 181 is the last day of June then 170 and 160 days will be in June but day 150 will be the end of May.
25% – 10. The wheels on bus go round and all day long
20% – 19.
15% – Three. Each one is referring to the amount of letters in the number. So one has 3 letters, three has five etc etc.
10% – Zero. There are only 13 red cards if you take only the Hearts and the Spades.
5% – 22. The sequence without gaps is 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, so the next one would be 2022.
1% – E. The letters represent the last letter in every month. The missing letter is E for June.