What time does Hollington Drive start on ITV and how many episodes are there?
HOLLINGTON Drive is a new drama series from ITV.
The show follows two sisters whose lives are torn apart by tragedy when a child goes missing.
What time does Hollington Drive start?
The first episode aired on September 29, 2021 at 9pm on ITV.
And the second episode will be on ITV at 9pm TONIGHT (October 6, 2021).
It consists of four episodes in total which were filmed in Wales.
Executive Producer Jonathan Fisher said: "We're so excited to have started filming on Hollington Drive, and to have attracted a top-rate cast led by the exceptional Anna Maxwell Martin and Rachael Stirling.
"We can't wait to share this captivating and surprising story with the ITV audience."
What is the show about?
A synopsis for the series reads: "On a Summer evening in the seemingly idyllic suburb of Hollington Drive, 10-year-old Alex Boyd is declared missing.
“Sisters and social pillars within the community, Theresa and Helen, struggle to hold their lives and their families together in the wake of this tragedy.
"Secrets and lies begin to surface and long held facades falter as grief rips through Hollington Drive."
It was written by acclaimed screenwriter Sophie Petzal.
Who is in the cast?
- Anna Maxwell Martin
- Rachael Stirling
- Rhashan Stone
- Peter McDonald
- Ken Nwosu
- Jonas Armstrong
- Jodie McNee