Would you sit next to these passengers? Shaming pics reveal the worst plane behaviour
From adults picking their toenails, to dirty nappies left in the aisle - it appears there is nothing members of the public won't stoop to in the skies
PLANE travel is bad enough these days, thanks to cramped seats, rubbish bag allowances and pricey food.
So it’s pretty much unbearable if you are sat next to a passenger who doesn’t follow basic rules of public decency.
It turns out there are plenty of them too – thanks to the hashtag #passengershaming, we are able to see quite how many travellers misbehave on flights.
From adults picking their toenails, to dirty nappies left in the aisle – it appears there is nothing members of the public won’t stoop to in the skies.
In other instances, grown men have been spotted getting down to their pants on busy planes or wearing hats that mention x-rated sex acts.
Read on to find our pick of the worst…