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The five-step plan for finding bed bugs in a hotel – and where they like to hang out in the bed

Bed bugs are an increasingly common problem in hotels as the turnover of guests increases - and the blood-sucking creatures find hotels rooms an ideal home

BED bugs are a grim reality when staying in a hotel – and this is what you’ll need to know to spot them.

With the turnover of people sleeping in hotels being high, hotel beds are the perfect place for the sneaky critters to make their home.

Hotel rooms can harbour bed bugs and it's worth checking your thoroughly for them when you arrive 
Hotel rooms can harbour bed bugs and it's worth checking your room thoroughly for them when you arriveCredit: Alamy

The bugs feed on human blood and can leave you with nasty red bites.

Matthew Miller from Arrow Environmental Services spoke to with the tips.

He said: “Particularly the cracks and the crevices in the mattresses [should be checked].

“I very commonly find them in the labels on the mattress, as well."

 You should also wash all your clothes and materials on a hot wash when you get home to kill any bed bugs you've brought back
You should also wash all your clothes and materials on a hot wash when you get home to kill any bed bugs you've brought backCredit: Getty - Contributor

He recommends checking for bugs with the S.L.E.E.P. method.

SURVEY the room for red or brown flecks which come from blood which has been left on sheets or mattresses.

LIFT furniture and check under it. Bed bugs can hide in mattresses, skirting boards and even pictures.

ELEVATE your luggage and try and keep it on something that’s not made of material, such as a desk, to avoid bed bugs being transported home if they are present.

EXAMINE your bags before taking them home to make sure there aren’t any bugs on them.

PLACE all your clothes on a hot cycle in the washing machine when you get home for at least 15 minutes to kill any bugs.

 People can be left with red bites if their rooms are infected with bed bugs
People can be left with red bites if their rooms are infected with bed bugsCredit: Alamy

How can you get rid of bed bugs?

It can be extremely difficult to get rid of an infestation, so your best bet may be to get professional help.

Once in your home, bed bugs can quickly spread from room to room. Wait too long before you identify the problem, and they could completely contaminate your home.

advise contacting your local council or a pest control firm that's a member of the British Pest Control Association or National Pest Technicians Association.

Here’s what you should do to prevent an infestation:

  • If you suspect you’ve been infected, the first thing you need to do is strip your bed and wash the sheets and blankets in 60C water, before tumble drying for at least 30 minutes.
  • Better still get rid of them altogether by wrapping in bin bags and disposing in a bin.
  • Make sure you either throw your mattress away, or thoroughly vacuum it, and your carpet under your bed. Then make sure you take the vacuum outside and dispose of the contents.
  • Because 30 per cent of bed bugs live in your bed frame and headboard, it’s vital that you clean those thoroughly, too.
  • While vacuuming will get rid of the bugs themselves, it won’t get rid of the eggs. To do that, you’ll need to wipe everywhere with a good pesticide.
 Once in your home, bed bugs can quickly spread from room to room. Wait too long before you identify the problem, and they could completely contaminate your home
Once in your home, bed bugs can quickly spread from room to room. Wait too long before you identify the problem, and they could completely contaminate your homeCredit: Handout

What causes bed bugs?

British Pest control expert Ranjen Gohri, from 24/7 Home Rescue, said that growth in bed bug numbers can be down to the amount of people travelling between countries, as well as their growing resistance to chemicals.

Once in your home, bed bugs can spread from room to room on luggage, clothing and furniture and so can quickly be a large problem.

He warned: “Bed bugs are becoming more and more common in the UK, and we’re close to approaching epidemic levels.

“We estimate there has been around a three-fold surge in bed bugs in recent years, based on information from our pest controllers. It is a particular problem in highly-populated areas where the bugs can spread easily.”

How can you treat bed bug bites?

Bed bug bites are painless, but some people can have a reaction to the red, itchy bumps on the skin.

In some cases people can experience a rash or fluid-filled blisters and they can get infected with bacteria if scratched.

Disgusting footage shows thousands of bed bugs crawling over bedroom in 'worst ever' SIX-YEAR infestation

You should see your GP if you have any signs of skin infection such as swelling, redness and pain as you may need antibiotics.

If they are very itchy you can use antihistamine tablets to relieve the itch and apply a mild steroid cream (such as hydrocortisone).

Sun Online Travel previously revealed why bed bugs are on the rise in hotels.