Man breaks into hotel room without a key in under 30 seconds using takeaway menu – and here’s how you can stop it

A man shows how easy it is to open not one but two different types of locks in under half a minute

WE all double lock our hotel room doors at night – but it seems there’s still a way to get in without a key.

An alarming video shows just how easy it is to shimmy open a door – using just a piece of paper.

In the video, a man is seen opening a hotel door – using a takeaway menu

, taken at a hotel in Tampa, Florida, a man manages to open both locks on a door in under 30 seconds.

First of all he slides paper – in this case a takeaway menu – between a hotel door and the door frame.

He is able to quickly ease open the door’s lock and handle, before moving onto the safety latch above.

He is also able to open this within just a few seconds by wiggling the paper so that it interrupts the latch’s mechanism.

The takeaway menu is slipped between the door and the door frame and used to open the door’s lock

The menu is then used to open the door’s safety lock

The man is then able to walk into the room – and is seen smiling as he enters.

A caption for the video reads: “Using only the paper pizza menus that were pushed under our door during the day, I can shim open our hotel room door defeating both the striker and the top swing arm latch in under 30 seconds.

“Faster times can be achieved if you aren’t trying to video.”

Even if your hotel room door lock can be opened, there are a number of ways to keep safe from intruders.

The man is into the room within 30 seconds

A cheap doorstop could be the ultimate way to stay safe – and they can cost less than a pound.

The simple rubber stop can be used while staying at every hotel room to stop unwanted intruders from breaking and entering.


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While most hotel rooms doors are fairly secure, even the strongest intruder would struggle to break through a door with a doorstop wedged from the other side.

Flight attendants have also revealed that they use travel door alarms which monitor movement near to hotel doors to stay safe when they’re away from home.

If a door handle is moved during the night, the alarm hanging from the handle will sound – alerting the sleeping guest and hopefully scaring off the intruder.

An expert has also revealed his tips for guarding against terrorist attacks when staying in a hotel.

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