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Why you should always choose the window seat on the plane if you want to avoid getting ill

Passengers can also keep air vents on to stay healthy during flights

IF you want to avoid getting ill during your flight, choosing certain seats can increase your chances of staying healthy.

According to a study, the window seat is the best choice to reduce your chances of catching a bug.

Keep the air vents on to reduce your changes of getting sick too
Where you sit can reduce your chances of getting sick on a planeCredit: Alamy

The funded by Boeing, found you are 80 per cent likely to catch a virus from passengers if sitting near them.

The study, which saw 10 scientists analyse five cross-country flights during flu season, found that sitting in the same row, or in the row in front or behind someone who is sick, are most likely going to also fall sick.

If they are sat in the aisle seat, then they could also infect everyone else in the aisle seats too.

They were more likely to come into contact with passengers moving about the cabin to use the lavatory, or with the airline’s crew members — an average of 64 contacts, versus the window seat’s 12.

Thankfully there are ways to reduce your chances of getting ill, including where you sit as well as using the air vent on a plane.

Sitting in the window seat is the best option, as it minimises your risk of crossing other passengers who are sick.

The lead author of the study Vicki Stover Hertzberg advises: "Get in that window seat and don't move."

By staying in the seat, it also means avoiding contact with other travellers when you get up to use the bathroom or stretch.

The study found that only 43 percent of those seated in the window got up, as opposed to 80 percent of those in the aisle.

Of course during long flights it is still advised to try and get up and stretch, to avoid DVT.

There is another way to avoid getting sick if you know you are near someone with an illness - and that is always having the air vent on.

Dr. Mark Gendreau — the medical director and vice chair of emergency medicine at Lahey Medical Center-Peabody, and an expert on the spread of infectious diseases previously told : "The flow pattern of air on an aircraft doesn’t necessarily work front to back, or back to front - it’s actually compartmentalised into various sections on the aircraft.

"As a rule of thumb, the air that you’re typically breathing and exposed to is usually anywhere from two to five rows surrounding your seat."

Keeping a constant flow of fresh air directed at your face and body keeps the lingering germs in the air away from you.

Passengers can also keep air vents on to stay healthy during flights
Passengers can also keep air vents on to stay healthy during flightsCredit: Getty
I'm a flight attendant and these are the seats you should avoid if you don't want to be cold on the plane