is a self-catering, Robinson Crusoe type of adventure… but with all the mod cons.
The island is situated on a remote atoll, with access to fishing, snorkelling and kayaking on the surrounding coral reef.
The island has a main house has a master bedroom with a double bed and all amenities, plus two extra cabanas over the water with their own double bedrooms.
Guests are taken to the island by private boat from the nearby beach resort of Placencia - a few miles away on the mainland.
The owners say that the accommodation is best suited to the 'outdoor, adventurous types who tend to be self-sufficient in nature' Credit: Air BNB The island costs £346 a night, which works out at £57 per person if in a group of six Credit: Air BNB Unsurprisingly for such a remote island, guests have to be ready to rough it a little bit.
Bird Island is a self-catering scenario so visitors should bring enough meats, vegetable and drinks for their stay.
The island runs on solar-power and has a wind generator – which generates the electricity for the oven, fridge, phone and wifi.
It also has a filtered rain-water system for general use, but purified drinking water is also provided.
The island is situated on a remote atoll, with access to fishing, snorkelling and kayaking Credit: Air BNB The island has a main house has a master bedroom with a double bed and two extra bedrooms Credit: Air BNB The island runs on solar-power and has a wind generator Credit: Air BNB The unique island has been featuring in several adverts, including Aibnb’s own campaign Credit: Air BNB Two extra cabanas over the water provide two more double bedrooms, in addition to the master bedroom Credit: Air BNB The unique island has been featuring in several adverts, including Aibnb’s own 'Like This, Live There' ad campaign.
The owners say that the accommodation is best suited to the “outdoor, adventurous types who tend to be self-sufficient in nature.”
The island costs £346 a night, which works out at £57 per person, although it does also cost a considerable amount to get there.
As well as flights to Belize City, guests then have to make their way to Placencia -which takes more than three hours by car.
The property has got full marks from all of the 100 guests who have left a review.