World’s oldest freshwater fish lived to 112 YEARS – and was swimming before Titanic and World War I

SCIENTISTS have discovered the world's oldest freshwater fish on record and it has lived through two world wars and was swimming long before the Titanic even existed.

The bigmouth buffalo fish in question lived to be around 112 years old, which is much older than the 26 year life expectancy previously given to its species.

The researchers identified tell tale signs so they were certain that they were looking at the same fish over the years

A team of scientists conducted their bigmouth buffalo fish study in the US between 2011 and 2018.

During this time they caught a large number of fish which they observed, photographed and tagged before releasing them.

The researchers wrote in their : "The bigmouth buffalo is capable of living and reproducing to ages that more than quadruple all previous estimates."

Some specimens were also dissected to determine their age.

They were able to work out what the fish fins should look like after so many years
The elderly fish had developed lots of spots

The researchers used bomb carbon dating on the ear bones of some of the fish and were shocked to find that one was 112 years old.

This technique is only possible thanks to mid-20th century atomic bomb testing.


These nuclear tests doubled the amount of carbon-14 in the atmosphere before it eventually reduced.

This allows experts to look for carbon-14 in the fish to accurately date it.

Over 85-90% of the fish studied were over 80 years old.
