Five WORST places to put your Wi-Fi router from… and why you should never keep it in the kitchen

A WIFI expert has revealed the five worst places to put your router.

Alex Tofts, from the broadband comparison service Broadband Genie, explains that where you put your modem is critical to how well your internet service performs at home.

A Wi-Fi expert has revealed the worst five places to put your router

The expert advises homeowners to try and establish a ‘clear line of sight’ to the router.

: “The general rules to bear in mind are looking for any obstacles nearby that could cause a problem. 

“Avoid placing it behind bulky furniture or next to other gadgets that could cause interference with the signal.”

With that in mind, there are five positions you should immediately tick off the list.

Under the stairs

Many people will opt to keep their router out of sight, but doing this can be detrimental if you want reliably fast internet speeds.

Alex said: “We know routers aren’t the most especially pleasing objects in your home but don’t treat it like Harry Potter and lock it under the stairs.”

The kitchen

Many devices in the kitchen use radio signals which can be responsible for hampering your internet’s signal.

“The kitchen is sometimes home to a few of these and the main culprit is your microwave”, Alex continued.

“This uses the same 2.4 GHz signal, which will be competing against your router when heating up some food.”

Next to the window

Popping your modem by the window is a popular choice, but it’s also an illogical one – particularly doing the balmy summer months.

If your router is heating up, it could spell trouble.

Alex said: ‘Like any electrical device, it is important to keep it cool.

“This can be more difficult in the summer, but avoid placing it next to any windows where it will be in direct sunlight.

“A shady spot that isn’t obstructed by large objects should be fine. Ensure there is proper ventilation in the room too.”

Next to a vase or fish tank

Not only can this be a safety hazard for an electrical product, but water can obstruct your Wi-Fi signals.

Alex continued: “Water blocks Wi-Fi signals so don’t put your router near anything with a lot of water.

“Whether that is your indoor waterfall, aquarium, fish bowl or even vases with a lot of water inside.”

The attic

Dumping your router in the attic will prevent your Wi-Fi reaching its full potential.

Instead, place the device around the middle of the house rather than at the edges.

“Attic space is not optimal for signal strength”, Alex concluded.

“Ideally, you want your router on the ground floor in the middle of your home, this will give it the best chance of reaching all the rooms in your home.

“Insulation material in the attic can also make it harder to get a better signal.

“If you use your attic space and need internet up there, you should consider using a Wi-Fi booster.”

Expert Alex Tofts advises against the kitchen, attic and under the stairs as viable places
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