Check your drawers for discontinued iPhone model expected to sell for $100,000 at auction

A RARE first-generation iPhone that is up for auction is expected to sell for a whopping $100,000.
Only a few of the specific iPhone model made it into people's hands as it was discontinued only after a few months from its release date.
The first ever iPhones went on sale in the US on June 29, 2007.
The first iPhones were the first-generation models including the 4GB iPhone sold for $499 along with the 8GB iPhone sold for $599 at the time, Neowin .
The 4GB iPhone is the one gaining attention right now due to its short-lived life.
Apple decided to only keep the 8GB on the market shortly after both of their releases.
This led to Apple introducing a 16GB iPhone a year later in 2008 for $499 making the 4GB disappear from people’s minds by then.
But now, the 4GB iPhone's rarity has caused it to become a hot commodity.
An unopened original 4GB iPhone is up for auction on LCG Auctions and the bidding price for it starts at $10,000.
Check out the auction .
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LCG Auctions estimated its price point to be between $50,000 and $100,000.
The auction begins on Friday, June 30 at 5pm EST and the bidding will be open until July 16.
It is very much possible that the rare gem will go for $100,000.
What makes this iPhone 4GB even more special is it is still in its original box with the original plastic wrapping.
The high price point has been estimated after considering others that have sold recently.
In February, an original unopened 8GB iPhone sold for $63,356 on LCG auctions, its website.
Another sold for $39,338 at an auction in October last year for an unopened original 8GB iPhone, Mac World .
A few months before that in August, another 8GB first-generation iPhone sold for $35,414, it added.
It is also expected for whoever wins the auction for the 4GB iPhone to want to keep it in the packaging as that is what makes it so valuable.