Is Facebook spying on you through iPhone? Horrifying truth revealed by expert

HAVE you ever chatted with a friend about buying a certain item and been targeted with an ad for that same item the next day?

If so, you may have wondered whether your smartphone was “listening” to you.

 information to a wide range of websites and apps. We do this when we grant them certain permissions, or allow “cookies” to track our online activities.

So-called “first-party cookies” allow websites to “remember” certain details about our interaction with the site. For instance, login cookies let you save your login details so you don’t have to re-enter them each time.

  the right customers with the right ads.


An RL agent can  based on feedback gained from user interactions, akin to how a young child will learn to repeat an action if it leads to a reward.

By viewing or pressing “like” on a social media post, you send a reward signal to an RL agent confirming you’re attracted to the post — or perhaps interested in the person who posted it. Either way, a message is sent to the RL agent about your personal interests and preferences.

If you start actively liking posts about “mindfulness” on a social platform, its system will learn to send you advertisements for companies that can offer related products and content. 
