Top 50 sexiest British accents ranked from worst to best – not great for Birmingham
HAVE you not been very successful with the ladies recently?
I have bad news for you — it might be your accent.
After Big Travel 7 surveyed 1.5million people, Britain's sexiest (and least sexy) accents have been revealed.
Well gentlemen, take a look through the list below and find your accent.
Maybe its ranking will explain why you haven't been getting any action recently… Or just stop wearing Crocs.
Here we go, where do you place?
50: Birmingham - Last place
Yep, sorry to all the Brummies out there. You’ve bottomed the list. On the bright side… Oh wait there isn’t one.
49: Gloucestershire
Oh dear, moi luvverrr.
48: Hull
Eeh bah gum.
47: West Country
Not as lush as you thought.
46: Wolverhampton
Fairing slightly better than the Brummie accent, but not much.
45: Bristol
I can see a theme here. This area of the world has charm... Rather than sex appeal.
44: Cornwall
Who needs to be sexy when you have Cornish views?
43: Cheshire
This happens to be my accent and this explains a lot.
42: Salford
I think we can all agree, Gary Neville does not sound sexy.
41: Sheffield
As an accent that's basically a Yorkshire accent, I think men from Sheffield have a right to feel aggrieved.
Yorkshire places much, much higher.
40: Leicester
An offshoot of the Brummie accent with a few more lovely phrases.
Not enough to save it from 40th place though.
39: Hampshire
If I'm honest, I couldn't tell you what a Hampshire accent sounds like, but I'll hazard a guess at not very sexy...
38: Durham
Going properly up North, the Durham accent has strong hints of Geordie.
37: Devon
Basically West Country.
36: Coventry
The accent is about as sexy as the city.
35: Cumbria
Are you going to be alreeet Cumbrians?
34: Nottingham
Does Nottingham even have an accent?
33: Manx
The Isle of Man accent is hard to place.
A bit of Scouse and a bit of Mancunian basically results in a not very sexy accent.
32: Bolton
Mancunian-lite. Does Peter Kay's accent turn you on ladies?
31: Preston
Similar to a Lancashire accent, but placing way down the list. Sorry Preston.
30: Crawley
Placed near Gatwick, the Crawley accent places in the bottom half of sexy accents.
29: Norwich
Alan Partridge doesn't have a Norwich accent, that's why he wouldn't place so low on the list.
28: Sunderland
Whatever you do, don't confuse the Sunderland accent (Mackem), with Geordie. Just don't.
27: Bradford
I'll be honest, I think the Bradford accent is lovely.
Calling it sexy is a bit of a stretch.
26: Middlesbrough
Slightly softer than the Geordie accent, but apparently less sexy.
25: Northumberland
Did you hear about the aquarium in Northumberland?
It was a 'turtle' disaster.
24: Stoke-on-Trent
A little bit of Brummie, a little bit of Scouse and a little bit of Manc.
Not a lot of sex appeal though.
23: Hebrides
A strong Celtic vibe.
22: Surrey
A bit of posh down in Surrey.
21: East Anglian
Weirdly similar to the West Country accent
20: Kent
Basically a neutral accent.
19: Highlands
As North of the Isle as you can go.
A quite melodic accent that places in the top 20.
18: Multicultural London English
A new kid on the block, this accent has emerged in recent years and is spoken by the younger generation.
If you sound like Stormzy, you're got quite a secy accent, apparently.
17: Leeds
A proper Yorkshire accent, it places way above Sheffield, but below the Yorkshire accent.
I'm starting to question the validity of this survey.
16: Somerset
The best of the West Country finishes in 16th place. Not too bad.
15: Lancashire
Another Yorkshire-ish accent that finishes well.
14: Cardiff
There's some loving going on in South Wales. Caaaaaadiff comes in 14th place.
13: Edinburgh
Looks like a good result for Edinburgh, but wait until you see who's in 3rd...
12: Estuary English
Russell Brand has probably raised this up the list himself. That's not fair.
11: Norfolk
Congrats to you Norfolk lads, apparently you've got a sexy accent. I can't hear it myself.
10: Cockney London
Apparently Danny Dyer has a sexier accent than me. This is a bad day for me.
9: Yorkshire
Yorkshire finally comes in 9th place.
Not bad at all. Put t'kettle on.
8: South Wales valleys
How can you not love the South Wales accent?
Feels like they're always about to burst into song.
7: Newcastle
Why aye pet.
6: Liverpool
Great result for the Scousers, but look away from 5th place.
5: Manchester
Mancunian comes in ahead of its Scouse rivals.
4: Queen’s English
Posh is sexy then I guess.
3: Glasgow
Glaswegian lads rejoice.
You're in the top three sexiest accents in the UK.
2: Northern Ireland
I don't think I've ever met anyone that didn't like the Norther Irish accent.
1: Essex
Wait what? Apparently the Essex accent is the sexiest in the UK?
OK, I'm starting to question these 1.5million social audience.
I'm guessing 1.49million of them are from Essex.
Where did your accent rank on the list? What's you favourite accent? Let us know in the comments.