Gareth Southgate should take over Brexit, Danny Dyer says in hilarious EastEnders clip
The landlord of the Old Vic says the England manager is ‘the only geezer who wears a waistcoat better than me’ and should be put in Theresa May’s Government
The landlord of the Old Vic says the England manager is ‘the only geezer who wears a waistcoat better than me’ and should be put in Theresa May’s Government
ENGLAND coach Gareth Southgate is doing such a good job at the World Cup he should take over the Brexit talks too, according to Danny Dyer in a hilarious EastEnders clip.
In character as Mick Carter, the landlord of the Old Vic, he claims the Three Lions boss is “the only geezer who wears a waistcoat better than me”, and should be put in Theresa May’s Government.
It comes after the actor waded into the Brexit row last month – calling it a “mad riddle” and saying David Cameron was a “t**t”.
A tweet from the BBC said it was “today on EastEnders, quite literally”, and showed Mr Dyer cooking breakfast.
Speaking about England’s crunch semi-final with Croatia in Russia, he says: “I tell you what we wanna do – stick someone on Modric, early doors, he gets more space than Nasa that little mug.
“Then we just sit back, wait for a corner, Harry Maguire, boomp, sticks it right ion the net. Ta ta Croatia.”
He then moved on to Brexit, adding: “And I tell you what, we get in that final we’ll win in, you know that don’t you.
“Course he’s done the slips and all hasn't he David Davis, this morning. Put Southgate in there, that’s what you wanna do - the only geezer who wears a waistcoat better than me.
“I did tell you it’s coming home, didn’t I?”
His mother Shirley Carter then replies: “I don’t know, you lost me at Nasa…”
Mr Southgate, appearing at a press conference ahead of tomorrow, touched on Brexit himself, saying: "Our country's been through some difficult moments recently in terms of its unity.”
It comes after Mr Dyer made a startling rant about the EU referendum on ITV’s Good Evening Britain.
He said: "This whole Brexit thing, when you're judging everyone on Brexit if they don't know nothing about it.
“Who knows about Brexit? No one's got a f**king clue what Brexit is. You watch Question Time, it's comedy."
He added: "No I ain't got a clue, no one knows what it is - it's like this mad riddle and no one knows what it is, right.”
Turning his fire on the former Prime Minister, he went on: “So what's happened to that t**t David Cameron who called it on? Let's be fair, how come he can scuttle off.
“He called all this on, where is he? In Europe, in Nice, with his trotters up, where is the geezer? I think he should be held to account for it."