Jeremy Corbyn breaks EU referendum ceasefire to blast Brexit austerity Budget

David Cameron dodged hand grenade in bid to present united front

IN case you were confused, Jeremy Corbyn arrived at PMQs and slowly spelt out the fact that Labour “are going to be voting to remain, as the best way to protect families”.

With both the PM and the Leader of the Opposition on the same side of the EU referendum, you would have thought the pair would be firing in the same direction just eight days from the crunch vote.

Prime Minister David Cameron had been hoping to avoid hostilitiesCredit: PA:Press Association
Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn blew a hole in the Remain campaign's united frontCredit: PA:Press Association

But that would be to underestimate Agent Corbyn - the life-long Eurosceptic now seemingly doing his absolute best to undermine the Remain camp with his every move.

He started on script - attacking Boris Johnson as a “wolf in sheep's clothing” who hates the NHS, despite “Damascene conversion” to fighting for the health service.

The cheap shot allowed the PM to purr “he and I absolutely agree” and rattle out a Remain soundbite that “the key to a strong NHS is a strong economy”.

Jeremy Corbyn said he would not be backing Osborne's emergency Brexit Budget in the event of LeaveCredit: PA:Press Association

But it was not to last…


While claiming to be on the PM’s team, the veteran lefty blasted the Government for slashing the Migration Impact Fund that gave £35 million a year to local communities affected by a rise in population.

And then came the pièce de résistance - Corbyn announced he would not back any Budget that further backed austerity.

Hardly breaking news usually, but spectacularly unhelpful on a day that the Chancellor had attempted to scare the living daylights out the public with his doom-laden post Brexit budget plans to slash spending and hike taxes.


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“There are very few times when he and I are on the same side of an argument,” gushed the PM while sidestepping the hand grenade Mr Corbyn threw across the despatch box.


While the PM smiled, his tired, weary eyes were all daggers.

The Labour leader’s deep loathing hatred of the Conservative Party seemingly made incapable of being helpful.

It was only Brexiteers cheering  as the bearded one slumped back down into his seat.

No winners today: 3 - 3
