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Jacob Rees-Mogg hails Sun readers for giving him hundreds of ideas of how to take advantage of Brexit freedoms

JACOB Rees-Mogg has hailed "wise" Sun readers for giving him a tsunami of recommendations for EU laws to rip up after Brexit.

The new Brexit opportunities chief has been inundated with suggestions of petty old EU regulations that should be abolished.

Jacob Rees Mogg revealed he's been inundated with suggestions for EU laws to rip up
Jacob Rees Mogg revealed he's been inundated with suggestions for EU laws to rip upCredit: EPA
Sun readers can now hold their MPs accountable, as the buck truly stops with them
Jacob Rees-Mogg has called for the public to write in with their ideas

The Cabinet minister revealed he's got more than 1,800 suggestions for how to slash red tape and take advantage of our EU exit.

He wrote earlier this month: "The opportunities in front of us are immense. Huge parts of our economy are no longer regulated by the EU."

SNP Cabinet Office spokesperson Brendan O'Hara teased Mr Rees-Mogg in the Commons this morning, congratulating him on his new title of "secretary of state for fantasy island".

He said: "Such was the faith that he had in himself to find these Brexit opportunities that the first thing he did was to issue a 'what would you do in my shoes?' appeal to readers of a national newspaper, and I'm sure the suggestions for what you could do came thick and fast."

He asked: "What was the best suggestion he received, and will he be implementing it?"

Mr Rees-Mogg said: "I have received 1,800 recommendations from the wise readers of The Sun and I believe that the British people have an enormous amount of wisdom which politicians, particularly ones in Scotland, could benefit from."