Jeremy Corbyn unveils new plan to force owners of empty shops to accept new tenants for free
JEREMY Corbyn has unveiled a plan to force owners of empty shops to accept new tenants for free.
His Labour government would give councils sweeping powers to take over the management of any high street stores that have been vacant for 12 months.
The local authorities would then decide who would occupy them, from start-up businesses to cooperatives and community projects, on a non-profit basis.
Figures show that more than ten per cent of town centre shops are empty due to the changing nature of retail and crippling business rates.
Labour boss Mr Corbyn last night insisted his move would turn “the blight of empty shops into the heart of the high street”.
Under the plan, landlords would regain control of properties only if they produce a tenant that wins council approval.
But Tories warned the state intervention into the property market risks spooking investors.
Local Growth minister Jake Berry said: “Jeremy Corbyn would wreck the economy, tax small businesses and scare off investment needed to help high streets, meaning more boarded-up shops and fewer jobs.”
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