Theresa May was forced to sleep on a sofa after an EU summit overran in Brussels

THERESA May was forced to sleep on a sofa after an EU summit overran in Brussels.

Talks dragged on so long she didn’t have time to go to the UK’s official residence.

AP:Associated Press
Talks dragged on so long the PM didn’t have time to go to the UK’s official residence

As a result the 62-year-old Prime Minister had to kip on a couch in the Council Building. The extended conference, her last as leader, also meant Mrs May failed to attend the LGBTQ+ bash she was due to host on Tuesday night.

A source said: “It wasn’t a dream scenario. The summit overran massively, nothing could get agreed or signed-off as per usual. Theresa decided to plough on through the night.

“There was a sofa outside one of the conference rooms and Theresa gamely grabbed some quick shut-eye.

“She got her head down here for an hour or so with her security detail close by. She is nothing if not stoical.”

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It’s not the first time she has worked round the clock. Downing Street colleagues have crashed out on the sofa before. Once a senior official slumped over a desk for a nap.

A No10 source said: “The PM was unable to go back to the residence as the business went on to 10am or 11am the next day.

“I don’t know how much nap she got but it must have been short. She looked in better shape than the rest of us at breakfast.”

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