Who is Sajid Javid’s wife Laura King?

FORMER Cabinet minister Sajid Javid married his childhood sweetheart Laura King in the 1990s.

So how did they meet, and how many children do they have together? Here's all you need to know.


Who is Sajid Javid's wife Laura King?

Sajid Javid's wife Laura King is a businesswoman and social activist.

She was born and raised in the UK and studied English and Political Affairs at university.

While Javid is not a practising Muslim, Laura is a church-going Christian.

She is reportedly responsible for her husband's shaved head look, after convincing the politician that “bald men look a lot sexier”.

in 2015 that the attitudes in the UK toward mixed-raced couples seen a big change since the 70s.

"My background wasn’t an issue for her, or for her family," he said. "But if someone had said to my parents back in the 1970s that one of their children would have a mixed marriage, I think they’d have thought that was very unusual.

"Today, I don’t think anyone would think that a mixed-race couple looks odd; I think it’s considered perfectly normal.


"In a very short time frame the country has changed so much, and for the better.";

The pair met at work when Javid was 18 years

He added: "Britain has become, I think, the most tolerant and open-minded country in the world."

Javid resigned from the Government on July 5, 2022.
