Andrew Adonis’s staggering Brexit U-turn exposes him as an unprincipled chancer
Is there anything that odious shapeshifter Adonis won’t do for a first-class seat aboard the publicly funded gravy train?
ANDREW Adonis’s staggering Brexit U-turn finally exposes him as the definitive example of all those unprincipled chancers now rotting British politics.
Once a Lib Dem, he became an unelected Labour peer, a staunch Blairite, then a Brownite. Then he became the TORIES’ infrastructure chief.
Then came his deranged crusade to reverse Brexit and his unhinged social media attacks on Leavers and even neutral civil servants planning for Brexit.
He told Leavers not to vote Labour.
Now, though, he’s a Corbynista MEP candidate, suddenly batting for a “sensible”, “socialist” Brexit. No wonder “people’s vote” Remainers are outraged at their former figurehead’s betrayal.
And why believe another word he utters?
Leave or lose
THE Tories have only one viable future — as the party that enthusiastically delivers a proper Brexit for 17.4million Leavers.
Too many MPs, even Cabinet ministers, fail to grasp it. They are still nostalgic for the Cameron era. But the referendum changed all that.
It is a fundamental error of liberal Tories and Remainers generally to think a meaningful Brexit is a surrender to the Right. A third of ethnic minority voters backed Leave, like a third of Labour voters.
Delivering Brexit and upholding our democracy is the most noble act any Tory can now carry out.
The price of refusal will be vast. As Nigel Farage will prove to them next month.
Criminal failure
THE Tories’ failure on crime is shameful.
They slashed police numbers to balance the books. It seemed safe as crime kept falling. Now we know that, among other problems, cuts went too far.
Murders, knife crimes, robberies and sex offences are soaring. Yes, the homicide rate was higher under Labour. But the Tories, the party of law and order, have no decent excuses left.
Each depressing crime stat is a life ruined or ended. The Tories have been in power nine years. It’s down to them.
Rehire Roger
NOW we have proof that housing expert Roger Scruton was stitched up by an unethical Corbynista hack, the Government should reinstate him immediately.
It’s not just that they need his talent. It would show they will no longer roll over for “woke” Twitter mobs hell-bent on destroying blunt-spoken Conservatives.
We won’t hold our breath, though. It will require a level of courage from Downing Street we have lost hope of seeing.