Jamie Oliver avoids more than £1m in unpaid rent at struggling restaurant chain
The TV chef and owner of Jamie’s Italian Ltd has left 16 landlords out of pocket owing almost £1.45 million following the closure of 12 of his restaurants
JAMIE Oliver has dodged more than £1million in unpaid rent at his struggling restaurant chain.
A company owned by the TV chef, 43, owed almost £1.45million to 16 landlords.
But the landlords have been left out of pocket after Jamie’s Italian Ltd went close to going bust in 2017.
A Company Voluntary Arrangement meant Jamie’s firm was able to carry on trading but had to close 12 of 25 sites with the loss of 600 jobs.
Creditors were owed £1,445,912 in unpaid rent.
But in a deal with administrators, Jamie’s company agreed to pay back just £356,706.
A company spokesman said: “We received overwhelming support from our creditors.”
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