What is Voyeurism and what does the law say about it?
Voyeurism is a crime in the United Kingdom under Section 67 of the Sexual Offences Act of 2003
VOYEURISM is a crime in the United Kingdom under Section 67 of the Sexual Offences Act of 2003.
We explain what it is and what the law says about it.
What is Voyeurism?
Voyeurism is the practice of getting sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or are engaged in sexual activity.
It also involves getting enjoyment from seeing the pain or distress of others.
What does the law say about the crime?
The crime falls until Section 67 of the Sexual Offences Act of 2003.
There are four subsections under voyeurism:
- Getting sexual pleasure while watching another person doing a private act and they have not consented
- Operating equipment with the intention of having them or someone else watching for sexual gratification from an unconsenting person doing a private act
- Recording an unconsenting person doing a private act and does with intention of them or someone else getting sexual gratification
- Installing equipment, or constructs or adapts a structure or part of a structure with the intention to watching an unconsenting person doing a private act for sexual gratification
What is the punishment if convicted?
If one is found guilty of voyeurism they can receive six months of two years in prison.
One can also be fined up to 50 per cent of their weekly income.