Tower of London sacks four security guards for exposing their ‘crown jewels’ in X-rated video

TOWER of London security guards have been caught flaunting their crown jewels in an X-rated video.
Sniffer dogs were also called in amid fears staff were snorting cocaine yards from where the £5billion royal gems are kept.
Six were suspended, of whom four were sacked, after material from Whatspp group “Tower Security Team” was handed to bosses.
A ten-second clip shows two men mimicking a lewd act in an office as Marvin Gaye’s Sexual Healing plays.
One of the pair, a man in hi-vis jacket with trousers around his ankles, also pretends to spank his pal over a leather sofa.
Memes about cocaine posted on the WhatsApp group led to a search of the tower’s 200-year-old Wharfinger Cottage and vaults’ locker room.
The sniffer dog is said to have “shown interest” in the locker room, but no trace of illegal substances was found.
The suspended six work for Historic Royal Palaces and are not black and red- clad Yeomen Warders.
The security workers insist the memes were “silly banter”. They also deny claims of bullying female staff, saying jokes were taken out of context.
A source said: “The men have asked bosses to drug test them and even suggested paying for their own private test to prove their innocence.
“One was devastated to have to tell his mum he had been sacked and about the allegations.
“He’s worked since age 15 with no record of any bad behaviour. All of them plan to appeal.”
A tower spokesman said: “We can confirm six members of the perimeter security team were suspended.
“We have since conducted a thorough internal investigation, resulting in the dismissal of four staff.
“Their conduct was unacceptable and does not represent our values.”
The tower was built by William the Conqueror in the 1070s and attracts over three million visitors a year.
The Crown Jewels belong to the Royal family and one diamond alone is believed to be worth £400million.
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