The world is a better place now that British IS executioner Siddhartha Dhar alias Jihadi Sid has been killed in a drone strike
Evil is loose
THE world is a better place without Siddhartha Dhar, rapist and IS executioner.
The real tragedy of his reported vaporisation by drone strike being that it also killed the children he put in harm’s way.
This wicked extremist is yet another reminder of the terrible evil his mentor Anjem Choudary has inflicted on the world.
And now Choudary is free again.
For years he was dismissed as an irrelevance. In fact he was linked to many of the major recent terror plots in Britain.
The restrictions on him are justifiably tight. But the fact that he is out at all after just two years of a 5½-year sentence is a sick joke.
Why was a man so exceptionally dangerous given such a derisory term, then freed early?
Our terror laws are not fit for purpose.
Rape outrage
POLICE and social workers should be sacked over the latest child rape scandal.
The biggest Asian grooming gang yet known picked up vulnerable girls openly from school.
One was snatched from a care home by a man telling staff he wanted sex with her. She was 12.
But, as in previous cases, no one took victims seriously. Police shamefully thought they were willing participants.
The excuse is that it was all long ago. It couldn’t happen now. Really? Because 2011 is hardly ancient history.
We will say this too. These vicious paedophiles were jailed in spite of Tommy Robinson, whose idiotic grandstanding could have scuppered their trials.
And they are named now thanks to The Sun getting reporting restrictions lifted — via the only legitimate means:
Legal challenge.
Losers’ parade
GOOD luck to those on the People’s March Against Democracy in London today.
Futile it may be. But these “liberal” Remoaners can comfort themselves with this: that their hate-filled two-year hissy fit HAS borne fruit.
The sanctimonious abuse of “thick, racist” Leave voters. The mindless sneering at a Government duty-bound to honour the biggest mandate in our history.
The treacherous plotting with Brussels by political figures fronting this insanely dangerous campaign for a second vote.
All of it has successfully harmed British interests by emboldening the EU to hold out in the hope of reversing the referendum, as it has done elsewhere.
The result is the current shambles.
most read in politics
Brexit is not inherently chaotic . . . only if a substantial section of the electorate does not respect democracy.
This Government, its dubious tactics aside, is still determined to fulfil the verdict of the majority. But who knows?
Perhaps all it will take is this mass toddler tantrum by the latte-supping metropolitan sore-loser brigade, backed by such unimpeachable figures as Nick “£1million Facebook stooge” Clegg.