Theresa May must not surrender to the EU’s unreasonable Brexit demands… rolling over would be a calamity
No national leader would accept the terms the EU aims to impose on Britain
NO national leader would accept the terms the EU aims to impose on Britain. Not one.
And any impartial observer must see that Brussels is being dangerously unreasonable insisting it can dictate to us whether and when we finally leave.
Yet how many MPs at the Brexit debate yesterday broke off from their mass punishment-beating of Theresa May to point out this obvious truth?
Corbyn, naturally, had an easy solution: surrender.
Stay forever in the customs union, knowing — as even Labour’s dimwit-in-chief surely must — that it is the worst possible deal, far worse than we currently have, and politically unsustainable. Forever dictated to over trade, powerless and banned from engaging with the wider world.
Labour now backs betrayal of Leave voters followed by servitude. It’s genius.
Other Remainers continued their toddler tantrum about a second vote. Tory Anna Soubry said Brexit simply wasn’t possible. The same people who claim the EU is no threat to our sovereignty also say it’s impossible to leave it.
The Sun dislikes Mrs May’s proposed deal, and it looks doomed. But if she genuinely intends to protect our sovereign power to decide when we exit the EU and stop Brussels splitting Northern Ireland from Britain — well, good. We trust she will hold to her word.
But we don’t think Michel Barnier is bluffing. Nor are Tory Brexiteers. Nor the DUP. Nor Remainers. Chaos looms if everyone assumes everyone else will roll over.
And calamity if our PM actually does so.
Toad in a hole
HOW is Commons Speaker John Bercow still in a job?
He has presided over a booze-fuelled Westminster regime rife with sexual harassment, bullying and cover-ups which his administration cannot fix, the official probe reveals. Bercow himself denies bullying two alleged victims.
Despite all this, there he was yesterday lording it over the Brexit debate.
And there lies the key to his survival. Remainers won’t oust him. He is their best bet of securing a vote for a second referendum — that most dangerous and undemocratic of any Brexit outcome.
The clue is his car’s sticker saying “B*****ks to Brexit: it’s not a done deal”.
There will be an explosion of public rage if the 2016 verdict is annulled.
Imagine if it happened on the say-so of this odious gnome.
Meghan marvel
THANK heaven for a ray of sunshine from Harry and Meghan amid the Brexit gloom.
The Sun sends our warmest congrats. Their baby will make one thing certain:
Even if trucks end up queuing at Dover, we’ll have Royal fans the world over queuing to spend money in Britain.