Theresa May must be aware the EU is secretly plotting to put Britain through its ‘darkest hour’
If Brussels dares to spring its trap on the PM, she must be able to change our nation's direction instantly or walk away from negotiations
Beware, PM
NOW we know. The EU secretly intends to put Britain through our “darkest hour” and force a Brexit surrender, enshrined in a law no future Government can change.
A position at once grotesquely offensive, historically illiterate, grievously insulting and — more happily — a fantasy.
How dare EU “diplomats” crassly equate the decision facing Theresa May this autumn with Britain standing alone against Nazi bombers? Do ours speak of the Germans or French like that? No.
More to the point, Brussels should recall how Britain responded in 1940: with defiance . . . and victory.
And Michel Barnier is dreaming if he thinks he can bind a future Government. If we want to elect one committed to severing EU ties further we will.
Today, dismissive EU leaders will give Mrs May just ten minutes of their precious time. How can Remainers still defend this outfit? It’s run like the Mob.
If and when Brussels finally springs its trap on the PM she must be able to change course instantly or walk away.
Voters will be merciless if, in panic, they are sold down the river.
Migrant sense
THE big migration report looks mainly like common sense.
We have long argued that free movement must end and a new post-Brexit immigration policy be designed to suit our economy, not arbitrary limits.
So we SHOULD increase skilled workers from around the world and stem the low-skilled. Building firms will have to recruit more Brits and raise pay.
And, yes, we must ditch the pro-EU policy that favours its labourers over talented Indian doctors.
Where we doubt the Migration Advisory Committee is its claim over the negligible impact of mass migration.
Our population has soared by seven million since 2001, mostly via immigration. Schools, hospitals and homes have been built nowhere near fast enough.
How can that not have had graver consequences? A few communities have been overwhelmed. Many workers have SEEN it hold down their pay.
If the effect has been so tiny, why does the MAC recommend any action at all?
Capital idea
THE Tories have surrendered too much ground to the left since the 2008 crash gave capitalism a bad name.
It’s time they sold its merits to a young generation naively tempted by socialism.
Capitalism and private enterprise produce everything from smartphones to new medicines. Socialism invariably produces unemployment and hunger.
So when Treasury Minister Liz Truss says the Tories must talk up aspiration over Corbyn’s wild promises, she’s right.
But there’s a literally more concrete route to Millennial hearts:
New homes they can afford.