Scientists hope deadly hospital superbug MRSA could be wiped out with new method using light — and it could work on cancer

Researchers say that the method also could be used to treat other microbial infections

A METHOD of wiping out deadly hospital superbug MRSA using light is being developed.

The life-threatening bacteria can cripple a hospital as it spreads quickly and is resistant to treatment.

The new method could remove the risk of patients contracting MRSA in hospitals

But scientists say they are making advances with a technique where they use light to activate oxygen — which then wipes out antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

US researchers say that the method could also be used to treat other microbial infections — and possibly even cancer.

Dr Peng Zhang, of the University of Cincinnati, said the treatment could be used as a spray or gel.

And he said that once it is sprayed on to a surface, medical professionals would be able to use blue or red light on it to show up bacteria — and then just wipe it away.

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