MPs could be forced to approve £39bn Brexit bill ‘blindly’ as EU plots to publish vague outline deal to finalise divorce
It is being reported Brussels officials are willing to accept a ‘fudge’ in order to get the withdrawal agreement signed off and a trade deal can be done later during the transition period
PARLIAMENT could be forced to approve Britiain’s £39billion Brexit bill “blind” as the EU plots to publish a vague outline of a deal to get our divorce finalised.
It is being reported Brussels officials are willing to accept a “fudge” in the crucial negotiations in order to get the withdrawal agreement signed off this autumn, and push back agreeing a full trade deal until during the transition period.
But that would mean MPs will not be voting on any real agreement when they sign off our exit payment.
It will still require a solution for the Irish border to work, but has already drawn criticism for a so-called “blind Brexit”.
A senior EU diplomat closely involved in Brexit talks has explained the thinking behind it, telling the : “The priority is to get the withdrawal agreement done.
“That will be the dignified farewell. The rest we can see after Brexit.”
But Labour MP Chris Leslie claimed that was not good enough, saying: “A blind Brexit would take the UK to the same place as a no-deal Brexit, but without the clarity.
“The idea that the fundamental contradictions of the government’s Brexit policy can be more easily resolved after the UK has left the EU is simply ludicrous.”
The former shadow minister and supporter of second referendum group People’s Vote added: “A blind Brexit is being talked about because some see it as a short-term face-saving deal for both the British government and the European Union, both of which are now terrified that concluding with a failure to agree a deal will result in a humiliating no-deal Brexit.
“With the EU27 governments and the EU commission wanting to spare Theresa May’s blushes, there is a risk we end up with a fake deal to save face.”
It comes as Michael Gove has been accused of being in a secret plot to keep Britain in the EU single market to avoid the “chaos”.
The Brexiteer Cabinet minister is said to have privately discussed a backstop plan at a recent dinner with moderate Tories, which would see the UK remain “parked” in the European Economic Area, like Norway.
But that would mean keeping inside lots of EU rules and would not allow us to take back control, making a mockery of the PM’s claim she would walk away without an agreement instead of accepting a bad one.