The Sun Says

We couldn’t care less about the fate of the two ISIS jihadis and good riddance if they are executed in the US

Jihadis’ justice

SPARE us the hand-wringing angst over the fate of two ISIS jihadis allegedly involved in beheading Western hostages in Syria. We couldn’t care less.

Alexanda Kotey was captured in January this year

El Shafee el-Sheikh and Kotey are thought to be a part of the ISIS Beatles gang

Alexanda Kotey and Shafee El-Sheikh are no longer British. They did not commit these crimes here. If the US wants to try them for butchering three Americans as well as two Brits, great.

We should give them every scrap of evidence we have. And if this pair face the death penalty under US law, what business is it of ours?

Yes, the men may want to be martyrs. Rather that than they be expensively tried here, then languish in our jails for years at vast cost to the taxpayer.

It is pathetic to hear Labour claim Home Secretary Sajid Javid has “abandoned Britain’s opposition to the death penalty”. Of course he hasn’t.

Rex Features
Letter from Home Secretary Sajid Javid to US Attorney General Jeff Sessions reveals no assurances needed on death penalty
Gruesome tour of exact spot Jihadi John was killed as witness describes bloody moment the ISIS poster boy was blasted in a US drone strike

These two alleged monsters simply stand a far better chance of conviction under US law. We can’t dictate which state tries them — or the punishment.

If in the end they are executed, will anyone not on Labour’s front bench shed a tear?

Friendly fire

BRUSSELS has done almost everything possible to scupper cordial relations with Britain after Brexit, while also stoking Euro-scepticism across the continent.

Britain could accidentally slip into a no deal situation if the EU doesn’t change its rigid plans, Mr Hunt said today

New Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt hits the nail on the head when he says forcing us into a potentially damaging no-deal “would change British public attitudes to Europe for a generation”.

Has Irish PM Leo Varadkar ever considered that before making petulant threats to the UK? It’s time he did.

Britain and the EU need each other as friendly neighbours and thriving trading partners. That relationship will be in enormous peril if Brussels, unlike Theresa May, refuses to budge.

ISIS 'Beatles' refuse to condemn atrocities and accuse Britain of 'war crimes'

And imagine the fury of millions across Europe, already rising up against the EU, if their living standards fall or jobs go.

We cannot expect Brussels to like Brexit. But spending two years hoping to negate it could prove fatal.


Labour's devotion to ECHR proves they won't clampdown on migration
We WILL target gangs who traffic migrants…& make Britain’s borders stronger

Project Panic

IT’S got to be the heat. Hysterical Remainers are buzzing round like angry wasps whose nest has been fumigated.

The only riots Mrs May will see is if the Brexit vote is not fulfilled

Listen to them drone: no-deal Brexit, they say, will mean no food, no medicines and no flights out.

Amazon, that well-known web retailer and soothsayer, predicts riots within days of our exit.

It is a miracle we ever fed or healed ourselves before we joined the Brussels tariff club. And a mystery how every country outside it manages to do so.

New foreign minister Jeremy Hunt warns of no-deal Brexit risk

A no-deal could be rocky for a bit. That’s why the Government is finally preparing for it. But if Remaniacs think panic helps their cause they are wrong.

The only riots will come if the Brexit vote is not meaningfully fulfilled.

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