Second Brexit vote was always the Remainers’ game plan — we must not let it happen

Overturning the 2016 referendum result before it had even been carried out would collapse all faith in democracy itself

Leave it out

A SECOND Brexit vote was always the elite Remainers’ game plan. Now, with the ­Government in disarray, they have unveiled it for serious discussion.

After two years rubbishing referendums they want another one, a replay.

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Remainers’ argue we should choose between no-deal, Mrs May’s proposal or staying in

The “facts” have changed, they shriek. Except they haven’t. Theresa May’s proposal to the EU isn’t the grim “reality” of Brexit. It is merely what happens when negotiated ineptly, by Remainers.

They further argue we should choose between no-deal, Mrs May’s proposal or staying in. Why? The first vote determined we were leaving. The only reasonable choice would be deal or no deal.

But we must not let it happen. Politics is in a dire enough state. The Tories are in meltdown trying to secure Brexit while fending off Corbyn’s Marxists and the nightmarish ruin they would unleash.

Overturning the 2016 referendum result before it had even been carried out would collapse all faith in democracy itself.

Theresa May rules out another Brexit referendum

Cops’ surrender

On so-called ‘low-level’ crime, some forces have shamefully just surrendered

THERE’S no way of sugar-coating it — police just can’t be bothered investigating burglaries, along with much else.

We’ve heard all the excuses: they’re hard to solve, we’re too short-staffed, “Tory cuts” and so on.

But victim ­Izabela Siergiej gave them the criminal’s name, address and mugshot. And they still judged it too tricky.

Last year in the West Midlands burglary was up 11 per cent. Guess why.

On so-called “low-level” crime, some forces have shamefully just surrendered.


Labour's devotion to ECHR proves they won't clampdown on migration
We WILL target gangs who traffic migrants…& make Britain’s borders stronger

An own-Gaul

Macron should have watched the World Cup final from Paris rather than buddying up to Putin

WHY was France’s President Macron buddying up to Putin at the World Cup final?

We don’t begrudge him his moment of glory, of course. His team deservedly won. But Putin’s regime is guilty of ­heinous crimes, from the Salisbury poisonings to the downing of a jumbo jet.

Four months ago France expelled four Russian diplomats. Was it just a stunt?

This wasn’t a summit for world peace, as Donald Trump’s was yesterday. It was a football jolly, sealing a month-long PR triumph for the Kremlin.

Macron should have watched from Paris.

French president Emmanuel Macron leads celebrations after France's 2-0 win over Uruguay

Migrant woe

Immigration has gone up again thanks to a 13-year high in those arriving from outside the EU

TAKING back control of our borders won’t mean a thing if we fail to exercise it.

It is worrying that immigration has gone up again thanks to a 13-year high in those arriving from outside the EU — which the Government CAN limit.

For years the totals have been too great for our communities to cope with. Where are the new homes, hospitals or transport for the 280,000 net migrants in 2017?

We’re all for immigration to benefit our economy. But the numbers are nowhere near manageable.

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