The Prime Minister has shown admirable backbone in the past – we need her to show some of that iron again
Theresa May should be speaking up for Brexit voters in battles with Brussels and leading her party in Westminster

Get a grip, PM
THE Prime Minister is facing one of the toughest weeks of her political career.
She will probably win vital Brexit votes in the House of Commons.
But that won’t mean much if she can’t get a grip on her party and on our future outside the EU. It is staggering that, almost two years after the referendum, ministers are still contradicting each other on TV about everything from the customs “backstop” to the Irish border.
The Government’s failure to properly prepare for a “no deal” scenario is equally concerning.The PM must lead from the top. She should confirm this week what she wants from Brussels — no ifs, no buts and no more compromises.
If EU bosses think we’re not ready to go it alone, they’ll offer us the thinnest gruel — and we’ll have to take it. They’re already warning that if we want a trade agreement we’ll have to accept free movement. That would be a betrayal of those who voted to take back control of our laws and borders from Brussels.
We must be in a strong enough position at the negotiating table that we’re willing to walk away. The Prime Minister has shown admirable backbone in the past, taking on the policing unions as Home Secretary and in her robust response to terrorism.
We need to see more of that politician — speaking up for Brexit voters in battles with Brussels and leading her party in Westminster.The chaos we’ve seen in recent months doesn’t just imperil our departure from the EU. It makes the prospect of a Jeremy Corbyn Government more likely.
Time for Mrs May to show some Iron.
A foul regime
THE “Visit Rwanda” adverts on Arsenal’s shirts next year are a black mark on the beautiful game.
Our report today shows just how vicious Paul Kagame, the African nation’s bloodthirsty dictator, can be.
It is a mystery to us why the UK Government continues to put money in his pockets — knowing full well that he runs a totalitarian state. Arsenal should think carefully about who they’re getting into bed with.
And we shouldn’t send him another penny of taxpayers’ money.
WHEN celebrities’ bad behaviour is splashed all over social media, it makes no sense that newspapers are sometimes held to different standards.
One of Britain’s most senior judges agrees, saying that legal blocks that stop us reporting on some public figures are wrong when the briefest of internet searches reveals the truth.
A free Press shouldn’t be muzzled by outdated laws.