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St George’s Day traditions – from flying the flag to Morris dancing, and Punch and Judy shows

EVERY year, people hang up flags and celebrate the patron saint of England - St George.

Fabled for having slain a dragon, St George's Day is celebrated with traditions and festivities that date back centuries.

Saint George's feast day is celebrated on April 23 every year in England
Saint George's feast day is celebrated on April 23 every year in EnglandCredit: Getty Images

Who was St George?

Saint George is England’s patron saint, famed for how he slayed a dragon.

This well-known story mainly comes down to the Golden Legend - a popular collection of saints’ lives written in the 13th century.

Despite his English connections, George would likely have been a soldier somewhere in the eastern Roman Empire, probably in what is now Turkey - if he ever existed.

He is also the patron saint of Ethiopia, Georgia, and Portugal, and cities such as Freiburg, Moscow and Beirut.

According to one version of the tale, a town in Libya had a small lake inhabited by a dragon which was infected with the plague.

Many of the townsfolk were being killed by the dragon so they started feeding it two sheep a day to appease it.

When the town ran out of sheep, legend has it that the king devised a lottery system to feed the hungry dragon local children instead.

But, one day his own daughter was chosen and as she was being led down to the lake, herioc Saint George happened to ride past.

The story says that George offered to slay the dragon but only if the people converted to Christianity.

They did, and the king later built a church where the dragon was slain.

What is St George's Day?

The feast day of Saint George is celebrated by various Christian Churches and several countries and cities where Saint George is the patron saint – including England.

The day is remembered on April 23 each year – this is the date traditionally accepted of his death in AD 303.

While St Patrick's Day and St Andrew's Day are bank holidays in Ireland and Scotland respectively, St George's Day is sadly NOT a bank holiday in England.

What St George's Day traditions are there?

Punch and Judy shows are a seaside attraction that became popular in the Victorian era
Punch and Judy shows are a seaside attraction that became popular in the 17th centuryCredit: Times Newspapers Ltd

In the past, a traditional custom on Saint George's Day was to wear a red rose in your lapel – but not many people practise this any more.

More popular customs include flying the Saint George's Cross flag, with English pubs often festooned with them.

In cathedrals, churches and chapels on Saint George’s Day it is common for the hymn Jerusalem to be sung.

We celebrate the day with anything involving English traditions - including Morris dancing and fetes.

The odd Punch & Judy show can also be seen and there are town crier contests.

Many places across England also host a feast with traditional fare and some areas hold theatre events, jousting and re-enactments.
