Jeremy Corbyn’s Marxist friends hate Britain — lets hope he never gets into power
It’s the four years he spent with the Stop the War Coalition which are most concerning
Friends & foes
JEREMY CORBYN has never chosen his friends particularly well.
Their common characteristic seems to be that they don’t much like Britain. But for all his dalliances with IRA sympathisers and Soviet spies, it’s the four years he spent as chairman of the Stop the War Coalition which are most concerning.
Yesterday, this shower of mad-eyed Marxists pinned the blame for the horrific chemical assault in Syria on our Government as much as on Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin.
This is true to form. In the past they’ve compared Assad to Churchill, blamed Western foreign policies for the Charlie Hebdo murders and told us that the real problem in Ukraine is not the Russian tanks coming over the border but the hypocrisy of the US and Britain.
And — bearing in mind they’re called Stop the War — they published an article headlined Time for War with Israel.
No, we’re not making this up.
It’s easy to write off Corbyn’s decades of catastrophic misjudgments as just harmless past mistakes. But a leopard doesn’t change its spots. If he ever gets into power, Stop the War and their ilk will be first through the door of Downing Street.
What a terrifying thought.
Look sharpish
THE Home Secretary talked the talk on fighting violent assaults and burglary, but we need to see her walk the walk.
She’s right that social media giants need to crack down on the brutal videos on their platforms, but she needs to punish them if they fail to do so.
And it’s all very well saying the police have to focus on low-level, gateway crimes like robbery, but unless she demands top cops stop blowing money on frivolous investigations and social media managers then the status quo is likely to continue.
With the scale of knife crime possibly even larger than thought, this is now a full-blown crisis.
The new Serious Violence strategy must bring results, and quickly.
Nearly free
WITH under a year to Brexit, it’s heartening to hear David Davis say that we’re 90 per cent of the way towards a deal.
It seems European leaders have finally persuaded the Brussels bureaucrats to dump the theatrics and start negotiating properly.The Prime Minister’s successful trip to Scandinavia, with trade and security high on the agenda, was another sign that the Government is focused on ensuring we remain close partners with the continent even after we break free.
There are still important questions to be answered on the Irish border.
But the Government deserves credit for quietly getting on with the job.